As the weight is getting heavier during our back squat sessions breathing is becoming more important. The best way to stay tight during these heavy sets is taking a big breath at the top of each rep. Hold your breath on the decent to stay super tight and slowly exhale on the way up. Stop to take a full breath cycle and start again with a big breath. If you follow this simple structure for all your heavy lifting you will stay tight which in turn will make stronger and keep you safer during your lifting sessions.
The idea is keeping things simple so you can focus on the important things like getting fitter and stronger and staying safe.
Tuesday 11/9/18
Strength: Back Squat
5 x 6 building in weight
MetCon: 20 min EMOM
Odd: 10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg
Even: 200m Run