Joe Kelso is the latest addition to our team at Southern Peak CrossFit. He will be starting as a Personal Trainer and he has already organized his first clients so you have to get on to things fast to secure your training sessions with him if you want the most suitable times for you. He is super keen to get started and has a ton of knowledge and enthusiasm. Joe has been training with us since we opened last year so he knows a lot about the way our gym works so he will complement the rest of the team well.
Here are a few words about his training philosophy from the man himself:
Originally from down south, I have spent the last four years studying in Dunedin graduating with a Diploma in Applied Sport and Exercise (Personal Training) and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Activity, Health and Wellness. Currently studying Post Graduate Strength and Conditioning.
Coming from a rugby and athletics background and having high confidence I thought I was god’s gift to exercise and everything related. Then I stumbled across CrossFit and was soon humbled and put at the bottom of the pecking order.
Why I coach? I have spent majority of my life training and have developed a passion for health and exercise. In the words of Matt Fraser “I do not have an addiction to suffering, I have an addiction to the product of suffering.” I want to be a part of the journey that makes you the strongest, fittest and healthiest version of yourself.
Stop exercising, start training, trust the process and the results will speak for themselves.”
If you are interested in setting up a consult with Joe, you can contact me at the gym or contact Joe directly on 027 891 4903
Thursday 8/3/17
Every 2 min for 8 min
1 Clean & Jerk
Every min on the min for 6 min
5 Power Clean & Push Jerk TnG
WOD: 7 min Ascending Ladder
1-2-3-4- etc.
Thrusters 40/30kg
Burpee over Bar