Mark is a hardworking lad from a dairy farm in Southland. Mark is on his third year at PE School at Otago Uni where he is planing on moving into physiotherapy after graduating.
Mark has always been into sports and outdoor activities. He has always been keen to try new sports in an attempt to find his true passion. He seems to have found it with rugby. He has played representative rugby through school and here in Dunedin he plays for Varsity Prems. He still enjoys going back home where he is free to get out fishing and hunting.
After recovering from knee surgery Mark has been keen to get back to something competitive during the summer and he has definitely found it with CrossFit. He wasn’t sure what to expect when he first contacted me about getting back into fitness after rugby season. We started him out gentle but as he has kept coming in regularly he has showed huge improvements in skill and technique and we have been able to build the weights gradually. He is obviously a very strong guy so it was super important for us to keep an eye on the weights he put on the bar to make sure he didn’t re-injure himself. But I must say he has been showing great maturity in the way he has been scaling things and he is reaping the benefits from that early introductory phase now. Mark has also started our Olympic Program with Joe Kelso and that has helped his technique hugely. He will be a beast on the field when he comes back to rugby thats for sure.
It has been great to see that these gradual increases in weights and difficulty has had such an impacts on your strength and fitness and there are no issues with the knee. Now its just making sure we stay on top of things with extra little pre-hab bits and pieces so you get playing fit for next season. Mark has fitted right in with the lunchtime crew even though he is one of the quieter ones he adds a great deal to our atmosphere in class and is really easy to coach.
Tuesday 10/10/17
Skill: Bar Muscle Up / TTB
10 min warm up and progressions
10 min EMOM:
Level 1: 1-3 BMU
Level 2: BMU Progressions
Level 3: TTB progressions
WOD: 4 Rounds Each for Time
20 Russian Swings 24/16kg
400m Run
2 min rest