Chris Ludlow is 55 and a good ol’ Dunedinite. He did live 10 yrs is aussie and 12 yrs in Chch. He was shaken out of Chch in 2011. Back home in Dunners he wanted to try something new from traditional gym so he did a couple of bootcamps run brutally first by Welshy and later by Speedy & Chrispy. He started with a few box classes before trying CrossFit. He has been at it ever since. Chris joined SPC late last year. Achieved 12th in the Region for CFG Open this year and was was pretty happy with that.
Here are a few words from the man himself. “I enjoy the camaraderie and challenge that is CrossFit. I work for Delta Infrastructure where I repair kids playgrounds and do landscaping projects. With my physical job it is great to keep strong and fit with CrossFit and to make sure my joints stay healthy so I can keep doing a good job on a daily basis. Over the last few years I have ticked of all of south islands great walks. In the future I would like to get off the beaten track more. When I do have some spare time I’m fixing my ancient house and during our next long hot summer I’m gonna learn how to surf.
It is great having such a fit and healthy guy over 50 like you. You are keeping up with a lot of the younger crew which is awesome to see. You are always good for a chat mate and it will be great to see how far you can go in the future.
Tuesday 31/7/18
Strength: 12 min EMOM
Odd: 3 Hang Power Snatches (build in weight)
Even: 50 Double Unders
MetCon: 7 min AMRAP
10 Alt DB Snatches 22.5/15kg
5 DB Hang Squat Clean Left arm
10 Alt DB Snatches
5 DB Hang Squat Clean Right arm
-2 min Rest-
For Time:
40 DB OH Lunges
400m DB Carry