Angela has been training with me for about 1 year now as part of my 50 plus program. She has been training with Margaret and they have really embraced the whole concept of the crossFit methodology. She first came to me last year where she had real trouble with her knees. She was keeping active with some walks and gardening. Angela found it really hard and had to take longer breaks between working and it started to affect her daily life. We have been working hard on improving her mobility and posture with plenty of stretching and leg and back strength exercises. The knee pain has now disappeared completely and she can work on her garden again without long interruptions. She can get a lot more done during the day and she is enjoying it a lot more now.
Angela came up to me the other day and said she couldn’t believe everyone over 50 wasn’t in here training. Angela has been trying to get her friends involved and now that they know how much she has enjoyed it she is hoping they will try it out with her.
It is awesome training the over 50 crowd and seeing their improvements over time and how much easier life becomes for them.
Keep up the good work Angela:)
Thursday 16/2/17
Skill: Handstand Push Ups
Level 1: 7 min EMOM
5 Strict HSPU + 10 Kipping HSPU
Level 2: 7 min EMOM
5 – 10 Kipping HSPU
Level 3: Work on Progressions
WOD: For Time
KB Swings 24/16kg
Double Unders
Accessory Work: 4 Rounds of
15 Strict DB Press
12 KB Bent over Rows
10 Lying Hollow Rocks