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Medals at Masters league

By January 23, 2017Uncategorized

It was a great weekend in CHCH at the masters league comp. 4 challenging workouts, competing against a bunch of great people and we made a lot of new friends. Connie got a bronze medal in the mens Warrior division and Jo got a gold medals in the women Warrior division. Unfortunately I couldn’t bring a medal home but I had fun getting my arse handed to me by Hamish Meddings who destroyed the competition in our 35-39 Hero division:) I hope I get another shot at some stage big guy. It was awesome to see all the Dunedinites give it all in every workout and have the success they had. That will be great for the confidence leading in to the season. The comp was really well run time-vice we were done a little before expected which almost never happens so well done to the organizers Troy Gordon and the rest of the CrossFit Canterbury box. There will be more from the Masters League as this May they will have an online comp to qualify for a bigger comp up north and possibly in Australia as well. It could be a good first year of comps for Southern Peak Fitness as the Open is around the corner as well so its about getting back to training and see how well everyone can represent our gym. If this comp is anything to go by we are looking good for the future. well done again team and hopefully we will see more of you on the competition floor.




Monday 23/1/17

Strength: Paused Front Squats

4 x 3 @ 75-80% of 1RM

2 sec pause at the bottom

WOD: Fran


Thrusters 42.5/30kg

Pull ups

Accessory Work: 3 rounds of

45 sec Prone Hold

45 sec Arch Hold