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Masters Team Member #3 Brett Nairn

Brett has only been with us for about a month but he has shown a real desire to improve and get back to previous strength and fitness levels. It was a little hard to convince him to join the team but we got him on board and I am sure he will enjoy it.

It has been great having Brett at the gym. In the short time he has been here he has been keen to help out when ever available which is a huge plus. He is much fitter than he gives himself credit for so with a couple more improvements in the endurance department we are looking good. He has many of the gymnastics skills that they will come up against at Nationals so he will be a real weapon on those workouts. He has shown great technique and strength on both Pull Ups and Toe to Bar so I am sure he will be looking forward to getting some bar work done. Brett is also close to the notorious muscle up. Chances are we won’t see them but just in case, we have Brett who will be thriving on the opportunity of showing of his skills.

These three male athletes in the Masters team are well rounded and each have their strengths to bring to the table. It will be great to see them succeed on the Competition floor come October.




Saturday 22/4/17

WOD: Partner Wod

3 rounds for Time:

100 Double Unders

75 KB Swings 24/16kg

50 Burpee Over Box 24/20′

25 TTB

Partition reps as needed


REMINDER: We are closed on ANZAC Day (Tuesday) But you will get to show your respect on Monday with a special HERO Wod. Hope to see you all at MOndays Classes.