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Looking forward to our student members coming back

By January 18, 2018Uncategorized

Heaps of feedback for apparel which is awesome we will go with the majority so make sure you get your opinion heard this week.

Would be good to hear how all our student members are doing. There aren’t many weeks left of your holiday and we hope you are all fizzing to come back to the gym and keep working hard. Looking forward to hearing how you spent your holiday and hopefully hear about all the gains you have made at your local CrossFit boxes. Come in and get started as soon as you get to town. We will be open and ready with our very popular 9 Month Student Deal so don’t hesitate to get hold of us.




Thursday 18/1/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

3 Deadlift

Build in weight

Running Conditioning:

Every 3 min for 6 min

400m Run

Every 2 min for 6 min

200m Run

Accessory Work:

50 Hollow Rocks

50 Arch Rocks