I received an absolutely amazing message from Lisa a couple of days ago and I would love to share this with everyone because it is about so much more than a gym. Its about belonging to a something.
Please read this as I think many of you can relate to this.
Hey Christian!
Have been meaning to write you for a while and offer my huge congratulations for your new venture at Southern Peak. But more than that, I wanted to check in and let you know about my fitness journey lately and thank you for leading down the amazing road that has bought me here.
We met back in your early PT days at World Gym while I was still studying at University. Strength & conditioning was new to me, and I will always remember your kindness and patience with my inexperience and how this was always balanced with a hearty dose of pushing me to my limits.
When I attended a crossfit bootcamp for the first time a few years later, it was such a great surprise to work with you again and it was here my true love for fitness was forged. I spent almost 2 years attending your bootcamps and embracing all things crossfit. Met amazing people, tested Paleo and even tried a few metcons at CFND. And when I moved to Asia in 2013, you made sure it was known that I was always welcome at your bootcamps and I have loved coming home to see you all again every year since then. My love of crossfit and the kind of community that coaches like you create for aspiring athletes is something that has always stayed with me.
Earlier this year I was feeling lonely and restless. When I stumbled into Crossfit Pintados in Cebu City, Philippines I finally found the family that I had been missing. 6 months later and I have just completed my first international Crossfit competition at the Reebok Manila Team Throwdown 2016. I competed alongside two incredible award winning weightlifters in four very tough WODs against 32 teams from 6 countries. We had some highs and lows, some bad injuries and some great successes, we topped the division in two of the workouts, finishing overall at 13th place. It was truly an amazing experience.
I learnt so much, and through it all I kept reflecting on my first steps to getting into Crossfit, and even more than that first stepping foot inside a gym and that through that whole journey you’ve been a key feature and pivotal influence that whole time.
I am so proud to see you continue to grow in your new role at Southern Peak Fitness, and even more excited to visit and train with you when I come home at Christmas.
In January I will return to Asia, to compete in the Battle Royale Crossfit Games in Brunei as a solo female athlete, and as I board that flight for one of my coolest adventures yet, I’ll be saying a prayer for how thankful I am to have had you as a coach to bring me to this stage. Thanks for everything you do and again, congratulations brother.
Love Always, Lisa
Saturday 12/11/16
WOD: Partner WOD For Time:
20 Deadlift 120/80
40 Pull Ups
60 Burpees
80 Wall Balls 9/6kg
1000 Run
80 Wall Balls 9/6kg
60 Burpees
40 Pull Ups
20 Deadlift 120/80kg