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Last Masters League Wod announced tomorrow

The last Masters League Wod ML18.4 is announced tomorrow and then it’s time to see who qualified for the next stage. Everyone who joined in has done an amazing job so far. It has been some tough wods this year but everyone has taken up the challenge and given it their best shot. What do you think the last wod will be? Looking at the rest of the wods we have done, you could be fooled to think a longer wod is coming out of the hopper tomorrow afternoon, but you just never know. Remember you have prepared yourself for anything so you should be feeling good about this last wod. We are looking forward to seeing how everyone stacks up with the rest of the competition. We will start preparing the people who qualify for the next stage when we now. Should be a fun month of training coming up for everyone.




Skill Testing: Ring Muscle Ups

1 set of Max reps

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

1st 15 Hang Power Cleans 40/30kg

2nd: 7 TTB & 30 Double Unders

3rd: 10 Burpees