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Keep working hard and have fun

By November 16, 2017Uncategorized

Just wanted to say how impressed we have been with everyone who has come through our doors from our Grab One deal so far. Most of you are very new to training but everyone of you have been keen to learn new skills or improve the skills you already have which have been so cool to see. It has made life really easy and enjoyable for the coaches as well which is always a plus. You can all see now that CrossFit has nothing to do with how fit you are before you walk through our doors, but it has everything to do with how keen you are to learn and get fit while you are here. Keep woking hard and above all enjoy yourself.




Thursday 16/11/17

Strength: Clean Complex

8 min EMOM

1 Clean Pull – 1 Hang Squat Clean

Build in weight

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

15 Push Jerks 40/30kg

50 Double Unders

10 Strict Pull ups