Good luck to all you students who are heading in to exams soon. Most of you are well into your preparations now. I know it can be a stressful time I have been there myself a few years ago now, but thats neither here nor there.
There is plenty of research out there to suggest that high intensity training is good to lower stress levels. That is good news for all you girls and guys who have been visiting the gym lately. Make sure you do come down a few times a week to get away from the books for an hour and just train and hang out. When you get back to your books you will feel so much better for it. Classes are morning, lunchtime and evening so there should be an option for everybody to take advantage of. Feel free to grab some of your mates and bring them down to the gym and let them feel how much clearer their minds will work after a short workout and a healthy snack.
Tran hard and study hard and make sure you can enjoy your holiday at the end of it
Wednesday 5/10/16
WOD: Every 4 min for 20 min
20 Wall Balls 9/6kg
100m Run
15 CTB Pull Ups
Record slowest and fastest times
Finisher: 2 rounds of
200m Farmers carry (AHAP)
60 sec Hollow hold
Max Unbroken Push ups