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Introducing a new exercise but keep it simple

We are finally in a place we can utilize another important piece in strength, the bench press. I have heard a lot of other gyms having great success in all pressing movements by using bench press. Plus people who have poor mobility will still have an opportunity to do some heavy pressing in a different way. Use the same hand width for bench press as you would other pressing movements as overhead press, jerks and handstand push ups. It will develop more strength for you in the same position you do other pressing. The most important thing is, keep it simple, don’t try to change things up too much like wide grip position as it will be too much to remember different grip width for different exercises. Keep it simple and do the work.




Thursday 22/6/17

Strength: Bench Press

Find your 5RM

WOD: 8 min AMRAP

16 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

50 Double Unders