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In-House Competition and general update

By September 6, 2016Uncategorized

We have started week two and things are going extremely well. You have probably noticed all the changes at the gym. As we get more equipment we need to store it around the gym so thats where all the new shelves and racks have come in handy in keeping things clear of the floor and clean of dust and so on. And obviously the most noticeable thing happening is us aka Harlem building showers for all of our members. It will take time and we very much appreciate your patience and understanding while we work on setting them up. Harlem only has two hands and with me as the useless helper whose genuine enthusiasm and can-do attitude is epicly overshadowed by a general lack of skill in the building department, I’m mostly confined to doing the “small jobs” like painting, vacuuming, finding tools and doing coffee runs. But there is the DIY type and then there is the other type, you don’t want to be that type.


First official in-house comp is coming up.

Date: Saturday 24/09/16  –  Start Time: 10am  –

Cost: $20 per pair (only $10 per person), which will go towards cool prizes for top 3 (or more, if we get many sign-ups:)

It will be a mixed pair comp (1 male + 1 female) and it is your own responsibility to find your partner and get you both signed up at the gym. This is for members only so make sure you get your membership sorted out before the date. It will involve 3-4 workouts and last a couple of hours. The workouts will be all inclusive so don’t stress about that at all. Everyone will be able to participate hence the word inclusive:) If you want to participate but you can’t find a partner, let us know, and we can help you, but try to ask someone first. Make sure you block this date out so we can get the whole community involved and have a bit of fun.

Note: Last date to sign up is Monday 19/09/16 but don’t wait that long if you don’t have to:)


Tuesday 06/09/16

Strength: 2 Strict Press + 3 Push Press

Option 1: Build to a heavy weight in 15min

Option 2: Work on technique with this complex

WOD: 8 min AMRAP

12 Wall Balls 9/6kg

10 Box Jump over 24/20′ – 30/24RX+

8 KB Snatches (4 left arm – 4 right arm) 24/16kg

Finisher: 3 Rounds for quality

60sec Prone Hold

12 BB Good mornings


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