We are getting straight to the point with this one. We want you to use these EMOM sessions to gauge what volume and intensity you are able to sustain for a longer period of time. This will help you set goals for other AMRAP (As many round as possible) and RFT (rounds for time) workouts. It helps you know how much work you can tolerate in a minute and how easy it will be for you to move on to the next exercise.
Lets take a simple run. If an EMOM calls for you to do a 200m run in less than a minute and you are shattered every time you come back and can’t go straight into the next exercise the following minute. You know right there that during EMOMs, you need to scale the 200m run to a shorter distance to keep up with the times. You also know that if you do an AMRAP or RFT workout you need to run slower and not do the run inside a minute because you will be too tired to continue the workout.
You can use this example for any exercise to give yourself an idea of what you are capable of inside a minute and still be able to move further in any workout.
Yes, it is important to get a good workout done and feel like you have worked hard, but it is equally as important to know how fit you are right now and months down the line be able to see exactly how much fitter you have become. You only have a chance to see that if you have a clear idea of how much work you are getting done and how long it takes you.
another element EMOMs work well with are skills. Focus on how many quality reps you can do in 30 sec and recover for 30sec. Do this for 10-20 minutes. This will help you stay on task rather than just doing reps with no clear goal in mind.
Be smart with your training and you will see all the improvements.
Wednesday 17/07/19
MetCon: 32 min EMOM
1st: 200m Run
2nd: 20 KB Swings 24/16kg
3rd: 20 Box Jumps 24/20′
4th: Rest
5th: 200m Run
6th: 20 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg
7th: 20 Push Ups
8th: Rest