There are many aspects of scaling a workout. We will explore the most important parts of scaling over a few blog posts. We will start with how to scale when you are new to CrossFit.
There is no “one way suits all” when it comes to scaling, so here are some important things to think about when you select your difficulty level, those are:
Exercise: Focus on executing the exercise with correct technique before moving up in load or intensity
Loading: Pick a weight you can easily do for multiple reps with correct technique
Repetitions: Lower the amount of reps to do in a workout so you don’t get stuck at one exercise
These are the three top tips to consider when scaling a workout. Also these are the three things we consider when scaling for you. Our top concern is that you can do the exercise with perfect technique. From there, we will consider what load would be achievable and what rep scheme would suit.
If we tell you to scale a certain way it isn’t to bring you down or because we don’t think you are fit. It is simply because that is the best way to stay safe during you time here and the best way to keep you improving over a long period of time.
It is way better to do a smaller workout and do everything right and get a time for the work you have done, than do a bigger workout wrong just to find out whatever time you got doesn’t count towards anything. We can’t build measurable fitness if we aren’t doing the exercises right.
The coach is always right. We will always try to explain why we have scaled a certain aspect for you so you know exactly what is going on.
Trust the coaches when they tell you to scale something it is in your best interest.
Friday 26/1/18
MetCon: Partner Chipper
800m Run Together
100 Single Arm STOH 32.5/20kg
200 Air Squats
300 Double Unders
200 Walking Lunges
100 Push Ups
800m Run Together