The Open is getting closer and closer and everyone have done a huge amount of work to get ready for it. We of course recommend that you all get involved so we can compare each others fitness and get a fun healthy competition going at the gym. Not just competing against each other but more important competing against yourself to get the best score possible for you. Remember there are both RX and Scaled options for each weeks Wod.
Mondays Class will be the Open Workout anyway, so you will get a chance to either do it once or twice. The Monday session is more to get everyone involved who hasn’t signed up for the Open to show them that it isn’t as scary as they might think. It is inclusive and it always will be. But, if the logistics allow for it it could be a second official attempt at a better score.
In trying to help you all out we are organizing things like Friday evening prep session and Saturday morning mobility specific warm up during the Open.
Anyone who isn’t doing the Open but would still like to get a training session in on Saturdays can turn up to the gym at 7am to train. I will be there prepared with a Wod for everyone. This happens from Saturday 25th February – Saturday 25th March. And as always the more spectators we have the cooler it will be and the more judges we have the smoother things will run:)
Tuesday 14/2/17
Strength: Paused Back Squats
3 x 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM
1-2 sec pause at the bottom of each rep
WOD: Open Wod 13.2
10 min AMRAP
5 S2OH 52.5/35kg
10 Deadlift
15 Box Jumps 24/20′