It is super important to have a goal to guide your training. It helps you strive for better results every day. So the question is: Do you have a goal?
If the answer is No. You need to think of something you really want out of your training at SPC.
If the answer is Yes. First of all, fantastic:) but do you then have smaller goals set out to help you get to your main goal? If not then here is what you need to start looking at doing.
We want all our members to achieve as many goals during the year as possible. That way we know and you know, you are getting closer to your main goal.
If you haven’t reached a small goal yet, first have a look if you have smaller goals in place and if you do are they really small goals which are easily achievable within 1-2 months or are they almost impossible to reach within a couple of months?
Example: Handstand push ups:
Month 1: Work on improving normal push ups and get into an A-frame.
Month 2: Try a push up in an A-frame and get into a Handstand with feet on a box
Month 3: Work on wall climbers and wall facing handstand push ups with a riser.
Month 4: Kick into a handstand against a wall and work on handstand push ups with a decreasing riser
Month 5: Get your First HSPU
This could seem like a long process and you might be at a different stage altogether with this particular exercise but if you know you could achieve all the skills you need in 5 months it doesn’t seem that bad does it?
It is all about having a plan and sticking to it. And always strive to achieve these smaller goals because it shows if you are on track to achieve your main goal. It also shows how long you have come from where you began and that will give you a real sense of achievement and hopefully give you more confidence for the future.
Monday 11/2/18
Strength: Every 90 sec for 12 min
1 Power Clean – 1 Power Clean & Push Jerk
Build in weight
Power Clean 60/40kg
-2 min Rest-
10 Push Jerk 60/40kg