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The Easter Time Table will be up at the gym and you can also check it out on our website and Facebook.

Take the Easter to recharge your batteries and come back fresh and rested, ready to smash some new goals. both body and mind needs a break sometimes whether we like it or not and this would be a great time to take advantage of this opportunity.

There will be plenty going on at the gym over the next months and as always feel free to bring in some new in to try out CrossFit. We are always keen to meet new people the more we are the more fun classes are.

If anyone have any questions or concerns you can always contact us and we will do our best to help you out.

Important reminder: Today we will have all our morning and lunchtime classes on but the only class in the afternoon/evening will be Open Gym at 5.30pm.

We hope everybody have a fantastic Easter




Thursday 29/3/18

Skill: Muscle Up Practice

Level 1: 10 min EMOM: 1-5 Muscle Ups

Level 2: Practice turnover drills and get your first or more muscle ups

Level 3: 10 min EMOM:

Odd: Pulling strength

Even: Pressing/Dip strength

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

200m DB carry 22.5/15kg

20 Alt. DB Snatches

20 V-Ups