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Gymnastics with Speedy Wednesday Evening

As many of you know my good friends Speedy and Jay are in town for a holiday. Speedy has agreed to run a gymnastics session for all members for free this Wednesday 6.30pm.

Speedy has been in the fitness industry for almost 10 years and has worked both in NZ and the UAE. He is a CrossFit Level 2 certified Trainer. He also holds certificates in CrossFit Gymnastics and CrossFit Weight Lifting and he is a world calisthenics certified trainer. He is also a very accomplished Crossfit athlete having been to 4 Regionals as an individual in the Australian and Meridian Regionals.

You will get a chance to refresh a bunch of stuff we have gone through and you will get an amazing opportunity to learn heaps of new stuff, both a lot of basic and advanced gymnastics but also how to relate it to CrossFit. All members are invited to this session on Wednesday at 6.30pm

Looking forward to seeing you all there and make sure you come prepared to work out. No booking needed.




Monday 11/6/18

Strength Testing

Find your 1RM Back Squat

MetCon: For Time

100 Double Unders

30 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

75 Double Unders

40 Alt. DB Snatches

50 Double Unders

50 Alt. DB Snatches

Cool Down:

2 x 90sec L-back Stretch

1 x 90sec Hamstring Stretch