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Gouldy takes on Nationals, again

By October 14, 2016Uncategorized


Dunedin’s own Amanda Gould is going to Auckland again to compete at Nationals in weight lifting. This will be her third trip to Nationals and with two silver medals in previous years, she will be going for the top spot this year. Last year and this year Gouldy earned a spot in the New Zealand team to travel overseas for Oceania where she came away with a super impressive bronze medal. She has been very successful in the sport of weight lifting and with her talent in CrossFit we are of course all hoping she will be back in the fitness fold at Southern Peak Fitness and start kicking butt again:) Anyone who were at the Vogel Street Party saw that she has definitely still got it when it comes to fitness so I’m sure you will see her around. It will be really interesting to follow the comp over the weekend. Gouldy will be lifting on Saturday. Good Luck up there and all of us at Southern Peak Fitness are cheering for you.


Friday 14/10/16

WOD #1: 7 Min AMRAP

2-4-6-8-10 etc.

Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg


6 min Rest

WOD #2: 7 Min AMRAP

2-4-6-8-10 etc.



Accessory Work: 3 Sets of

8 Single Arm DB Press (each arm)

Max Hanging L-Sit