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Goodbye for now to Ella

By November 10, 2017Uncategorized

Last week at SPC for Ella as she travels back to Auckland to start life in the real world. I started coaching Ella way back in the North D days and it was great to have her as one of the originals at SPC. We will be sad to see you go but knowing we created a gym you felt comfortable enough in to turn up to regular classes and join in on all the parties over this last year makes it worth it.

From a fitness point of view you have improved heaps especially this year. You have been doing a lot of wods RX and your confidence in lifting heavier weights has gone up significantly. We only hope you get a chance to keep it up when you get back home.

You helped give the gym its fantastic atmosphere and we all wish you the best of luck with your future. Don’t be a stranger though. If life ever takes you back to ol’ Dunners make sure to visit:)




Friday 10/11/17


1.6km Run

100 Wall Balls 9/6kg

30 Hang Cleans 80/55kg