Open Athletes make sure you add our gym to your Team. I have 20 people signed up under the Box but only 14 of you have signed up to the Team as well make sure you get that done this morning.
The weather has been great and the big car park out the front has come in really handy on the sunny days. It is so nice to have the option of a little outdoor training when the sun comes out.
Next week we will start 7am classes Monday – Thursday. You will be able to turn up to those classes as part of the normal time table. So if you are starting a little later in the morning you get to sleep in a little and still get your daily training in.
We have still got some Free Session Flyers at the gym and I have the $25/week Student Deal floating around on Facebook so feel free to share it with your friends. Our normal deal of $40 per week is also still running and it seems to be popular so get your friends to come in and try us out for a session and see how cool our community is.
Tuesday 28/2/17
Strength: Paused Back Squats
3 x 2 @ 90%+
Just come to a full stop at the bottom and go straight back up
WOD 1: 7 min AMRAP
20 Sit Ups
20 Air Squats
50 Double Unders
-2 min Rest-
WOD 2: 7 min AMRAP
10 Knee to Elbow
20 Walking Lunges
50 Double Unders