If you know anyone who is keen to really take hold of their own health, fitness and overall well-being, this would be a great time to introduce them to us at Southern Peak CrossFit. We are about to start a whole new 12 week training cycle. We will be building on all the gains you made last cycle but it is also going to be a great starting point for someone new. Both power -and olympic lifts will still be heavily featured in this training cycle (excuse the pun). There will also be new skills for you to sink your teeth into especially handstand push ups and holds and a bit of work on the gymnastic rings. There will as always be heaps of high energy wods following all this strength and skill work.
To make sure no one misses out on a lot of the same exercises we will make sure we don’t program the same lifts on the same days I.E. You won’t see back squat two Mondays in a row. There will still be a lot of structure to the program because there are certain things we would like you to do every week. Things that will improve your strength and fitness above other things. This means if you read the program carefully you can to some extent predict what strength or skill is coming up during the week. This is a good thing as it will show you black on white, that we don’t just throw shit down on paper, we actually program for you as a member. We program with structure which will, if you Follow it, give you huge results.
I am excited about starting this next training cycle and I hope you are too.
Wednesday 23/8/17
Strength: Testing
Bench Press
find your 5RM
WOD: 15 min EMOM
1st: 3 Strict Pull ups – 7 Kipping Pull ups
2nd: 15 Box Jumps 24/20′
3rd: 15 OHS 30/20kg