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Get involved in our fundraising comp

We have already had a few pairs sign up for our Fundraising Comp Saturday 8/9 it would be great to see some of our new members trying it out as well. There won’t be any high skill or heavy lifting involved it will be inclusive and heaps of fun. There will be 4 workouts all varying duration. If you are keen to sign up but don’t have a partner let us know and we can help you find someone. It will be a great day in the name of fitness.

We are organising a place to meet up in the evening to share a few drinks and some war stories as well. More info on that next week. Get signed up now




Friday 24/8/18

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

20 OHS 40/30kg

30 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 TTB


Core Finisher: 3 Rounds of

15 V-Ups

15 Arch Rocks

15 Banded Good Mornings