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Get great at the basics first

We are just under two weeks into our new skill focus with the Toes To Bar and I hope you are all learning some new progressions and that you are using them to get better. If you have already got a good TTB make sure you keep working hard to link more reps together or make the reps you have better and smoother

As we have gone through before it starts with an strong position during the hollow rock and the ability to utilize your lats to control the movement and protect your shoulders at the same time. If you can contract your lats in the hollow position you can create a bit of hang time which will allow you more time to get the toes to touch the bar and get them back down to help you link reps together.

Focus on the basic things first and perfect them before you move on to more advanced movement patterns. Do not get ahead of yourself because when you run into difficulty, you will not be able to correct and improve if you have no idea what the basics require of you. That means you will have to go all the way back to the basics again and all this time would have been wasted. Get great at the basics and you will put yourself on the path on constant improvements and the ability to change any inefficiencies.




Tuesday 11/7/17

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

3 Power Snatches – 2 OHS

Build in weight

WOD: For Time

40 Box Over Jump 24/20′

30 DB Snatches 32.5/22.5kg

20 Bar Muscle Ups