Mike has been with us on and off for the past few months but he has been more committed for the last couple of weeks so hopefully we will see more of him in here. He drives big logging trucks so his work hours can be all over the show and there are some very long days among them as well which makes it hard for him to get in regularly. However, it looks like he has made a decision to make time for his training which is awesome. It might also have something to do with his partner Melissa who comes to the gym:)
Mike has been doing some gym work before coming here but he didnt think he was getting as much out of it and training with other people has pushed his intensity up a lot too so it has been great for him.
You should get a good chance of meeting him now since he will be training more often now, right Mike?
Reminders for today 9am Class is still on and straight after that from 10am-12pm we will be running the open Wod. Come down and support anyone doing the Open and help judging if you can Thank you.
Saturday 25/2/17
WOD: 25 min Partner AMRAP
Partner A)
400m Run
Partner B)
50 wall Balls 9/6kg
50 KB SDHP 24/16kg