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If you have forgotten to pay for your apparel, please get that done by the end of the week. It wont be long now till we can run around in our new Tees.

Hopefully we will see more of you now that Easter is over. There is plenty of testing to be done this week and it would be great to see where you are all at.

Since the end of the open we have heard about a few niggles and sore bodies. If you feel a small injury o niggle coming on, let us know and we can supply you with a rehab program for you to do during classes. it means you still get to train with everyone else but you just do specific things to help you get back on track. The whole idea of doing crossFit is to work on specific things which will help you get as fit and healthy as possible. We can modify any session to benefit you.

If you know someone who has been struggling to get back into training bring them in for a trial session. I am sure we can help them get some energy and motivation back.




Tuesday 4/4/18

Skill Testing: Handstand Push Ups

1 Set for max unbroken reps

MetCon: Cindy

20 min AMRAP

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats