We have spent a long time getting stronger this Winter/Spring and it is really starting to show. We have noticed a huge improvement across the gym in our squatting and lifting positions and even more important we have seen a willingness from you to dial the weight back and make sure you are staying in a good position throughout the lift. This will benefit you a lot more than just wanting to lift heavy every time you see a barbell. We will finish this strength cycle off in proper fashion with a couple of testing weeks end of this month. Really looking forward to seeing some amazing improvements in all the lifts we have been focussing on. Don’t worry we won’t abandon strength work for the next cycle, that would be a waste of all your strength gains but we will look to maintain your strength and start moving towards a more cardio vascular based focus for the following 12 weeks.
If you have been following our program and seen we already run twice a week you might start getting a bit nervous about the change of focus, “Don’t Be”:) The focus of our programming is all in the detail, so most of you might not feel there is much of a change at all. It will only really show when we do our testing sessions and you see how much the details of a specialized program matter.
We are looking forward to seeing some huge improvements from all our new members as well as they get to feel what a true CrossFit program is about and not what they thought it would be but thats for a whole other blog post:)
Tuesday 7/11/17
Skill: 10 min EMOM
Odd: 10 perfect push ups
Even: 4-8 x 1 hollow rock – 1 kipping pull up or
4-8 strict banded pull ups
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 Deadlift 90/65kg
20 Alt Lunge Jumps