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Extra Open Gym time today so come in any time:)

It will be interesting to see what Dave Castro has for us this arvo. We will have our prep session tonight at 5.30pm at the gym so make sure you turn up to get your game plan in place. Everyone did extremely well on the first one so make sure you keep the ball rolling for 17.2. We will all hit the Wod tomorrow from 10am – 12pm so come down and cheer on everyone and help with judging if you are around.

If you are not in the Open make sure you come in to lunch time class as that will be the only official class today. However the gym will be open all day so if you cant make it in at lunch time you can come in and workout on your own when you have time. Make sure to come in and get working the doors are open:)




Friday 3/3/17

Strength: Overhead Squats

3 x 5 @ 75% of 1RM

all reps should feel good. The aim is technique

WOD: 12 min AMRAP

400m Run

15 DB Devil press

Accessory Work: 3 rounds of

30 sec Hollow Rocks/Hold

15 Sec rest

30 sec Arch Rocks/Hold

1 min rest