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Extra Apparel for sale

We ordered some extra apparel and since everyone who pre-ordered have gotten all of theirs we have the rest for sale. Ask the coach after class to try out the tops and bring $35 cash for Tee’s and Muscle tee’s. We will do another pre-order again soon.

Concerning class bookings, we know it is a brand new system and we do appreciate you having a few issues remembering to book in. But remember if you don’t book in and turn up to a fully booked class you are taking coaching time away from the 16 people who did book in. We will never ask anyone to leave who hasn’t booked in of course, but the 16 cap is a specific number in which the coach is able to get around to each individual member and give specific coaching. That is also the main reason you all chose to train here because you know you get personalized coaching during each class.

We appreciate you guys being behind us as we are constantly trying to improve the SPC experience.




Tuesday 15/5/18

Skill: 20-18-16-14-12-10

Pull Ups


MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

6 DB STOH (L arm) 32.5/22.5kg

6DB STOH (R arm)

200m Run

Accessory Work: 6 min Tabata (20sec on/10sec off)

Hollow Hold

Arch Hold

Bottom position squat hold