We have heaps of stuff to look forward to in August. We are starting a new round of our Olympic lifting program run by Coach Joe Kelso. It will be $120 for 6 weeks of work, 2 session per week (Tuesday 6.30pm & Thursday 6.30pm). If you feel you need help with your technique this is the program for you. Improve your olympic lifting and you will reap the benefits during CrossFit classes. The smoother your lifts are the better you weights and times will be during wods. Make the most of your 6 weeks and come out feeling more confident about your lifting. We had very positive feedback from our first round and we are looking forward to bringing you this program again.
We have developed a strength specific program as well which will help anyone who has any strength imbalances. It will be a two fold program first of all focusing on strengthening both sides of the body to make sure your weaker side gets up to par with your strong side. Secondly, to improve your weakest lifts by focusing on strength ratios between your various squats and lifts and presses.We all have that exercise that lets us down on the strength side, this program is developed to help you become well rounded from a strength perspective. We will start our first round in August. more info to come.
If you have any inquires for these programs don’t hesitate to contact me on 021 248 9222 or [email protected]
We are sorting out the structure of our next competition at the gym. It will be an individual competition this time around with both RX and Scaled levels in Open and Masters (40+). As I have mentioned before I would warn you when a comp would come up that is not completely inclusive this will be it, which is why we have two different levels. The RX level are for athletes who regularly perform our Wods to RX standard and the Scaled option are for all athletes who regularly have to scale an aspect of the daily Wod. This should help you pick the right option. I reserve the right to change the division of any athlete to uphold the integrity of the comp. We are aiming to having this comp in last August. Followed by one of our very popular parties because as always community is what this gym is built on.
WOD: 25 min EMOM
0-2 min: 200m Run & max DB Clusters in the remaining time 20/15kg
3rd min: Rest
4th min: 50 Double Unders
5th min: 12 Burpees