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Don’t wait to start training

No holiday around here. Most places are just starting up now but we have been bringing classes to you all the way through the summer and we are still on a roll. Don’t hesitate to get started, we will be here waiting to meet you. We have four solid weeks left of our current training cycle and there will be plenty of workouts to test yourself on.

We have been working super hard on developing special SPC Benchmark Wods for you, our community and we can’t wait to start bringing them out over the course of the summer. There will be something for everyone and if RX is a bit too hard for you at the moment just scale and work really hard at getting closer to that RX tag next time. These will cover the full spectrum of fitness so we can monitor over time that you are all getting better. They will challenge you both physically and mentally but they will be fun and awesome at the same time.


A) SPC Run starts this Tuesday 6am at the Caledonian. $120 for 6 weeks (18 sessions). We are working on specifically improving your Mile Time and running technique. Contact us today if you want more info on this program and sign up.

B) Tuesday and Thursday 6.30pm GPP Circuit Classes are continuing so if you are keen for a high energy and fun circuit session give this class a go this week.


Monday 070119

Strength: Back Squats

5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM

MetCon: AMRAP x 20

20 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

20 Burpees

10 DB Thrusters (R)

10 DB Thrusters (L)

40 Double Unders