Its December time, last month of the year and your last chance to make sure you get a good healthy finish to the year and maybe a kick start to next year. Most people who say they will start first thing next year already are more likely not to start anything at all other than what they have been doing for the past year which is nothing. All you guys have already found this out and are training hard but some of your friends are not and its time you grab them and drag them to the gym to help them starting:) make sure they know that telling everyone they will start next year is “nothing talk”, why not start now and get an early start to a fitter version of themselves. Bring your friend in for a session and show them what all the fuss is about:)
Today I leave for Auckland to join the rest of the Southern Peak Fitness Team who is competing at the HPU Play Off 8. Its a team of four 2 males Mike Henty and myself and 2 females Jessica Asi and Aotea Frandi. We hope to represent you all the best we can. Should be a good time. You can follow all the action on Facebook and the website. I’ll send through some links when CrossFit HPU puts them up. Not sure how much coverage there will be. Could just be a few updates throughout the weekend so I will also try to keep everyone up to date.
Thursday 1/12/16
WOD: For Time:
400m Run
50 Push ups
50 Air Squats
800m Run
50 Push ups
50 Air Squats
Accessory work: 3 Rounds of:
30 sec Hollow rocks or Hold
30 sec Arch rocks or Hold
30 sec Rest
10 KB Step ups each leg (AHAP)