We have had a lot of questions from members about what to focus on I.E. strength, endurance, gymnastics etc. First of all we think it is awesome that so many of you are getting to a stage where you really want to focus on areas in your fitness that might be lacking. It is a healthy stage to be in as you are taking control of your fitness and starting to think positively around your capabilities rather than how you look. We have always said “if you keep focussing on training hard and eating right you will get to look and feel the way you want to” but that is worth a blog post on its own back to this one:)
We have always recommended a max training schedule of being: 3 Days ON, 1 Day OFF, 2 Days ON, 1 Day OFF. We would consider this to be the max training volume for all our members. More could lead to burn out which means you will eventually have to take more time off to recover and miss training sessions.
We realize for most of you this is far more than you are able to do on a weekly basis, due to family & work commitments and the fact that you just want to turn up a few times per week to get a session in and chat to your friends. Even if your just coming in a few times per week you can of course still have goals you want to achieve and this article if for you as much as it is for our competitive CrossFitter.
Our session structure is looking pretty similar from week to week at the moment to allow you to choose a focus until after the Open.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday start with a lift which means, if you need to work on your strength and/or lifting technique you should prioritize these three days of training.
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday are geared towards a longer MetCon which means if you are after a bit more endurance in your training you should prioritize these days.
If your goal is long duration endurance your priority should be to fit in 2-3 of our longer MetCons plus doing some longer runs, bikes and swims outside class schedule as our sessions only go for a hour. We could help you set up a training schedule for that if need be.
We hope this helps you plan your weekly training better.
Monday 22/1/18
Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min
1 Clean – 1 Clean & Jerk
Build in weight
MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time
40 Wall Balls 9/6kg
15 Burpees
5 Cleans 80/55kg
-15 min Time Cap-