It is great to hear all the banter around our upcoming team comp on 16/9/17. Teams are being made up as we speak so you have to get in quick to get your team sorted. All members and coaches will be part of this. Just to make the rules clear around team members.
A team consists of three men or three women. All three in a team need to be of different age I.E. 19 yo, 26 yo and 42 yo. People can be from the same decade I.E. the 80’s but they can’t both be in their 20’s. One of you need to be in your 30’s to stay within the rules. I hope that clears it all up, happy team member hunting.
Tuesday 29/8/17
Strength: Overhead Press
3 x 5 @ 85% of 5RM
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
25 KB Swings 24/16kg
15 TTB