I was notified about a minor issue with the apparel having the wrong website address on them. If you have already collected your t-shirts and hoodies but you would like to have it changed please bring it in today and we can have it changed right away. Monogram house have been awesome in working with getting the issue sorted out which just make everything run much easier. We will get it sorted asap and get the apparel back to you fast. Other than that we are super happy with the way it all turned out logo and colour of the apparel looks great.
Friday 30/6/17
Strength: Every 2 min for 14 min
2 Power Snatch – 2 OHS
Build in weight
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of:
15 BB Bench Press
15 BB Bent over Rows
15 DB Step ups each leg on a 20′ Box