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Bring a Friend for Free

By November 21, 2016Uncategorized


Our new training phase starts today and we are starting with one of the stables for this phase which is paused squats. it will develop strength at the bottom of the squat which has a range of benefits described in a earlier post. Make sure to read some of the earlier posts to get a clear picture of our training focusses and other important news and tips. there is also a gymnastics element in this phase but don’t be worried it is mainly geared towards moving better during a range of movements rather than becoming a good gymnast:) There will be variations for all fitness levels.

The mornings are becoming lighter, the weather is getting better and with summer comes a more positive outlook on life. Its time to bring your friends with you to the gym for a free session at Southern Peak Fitness. You can bring them along to any class that suits you but we would recommend Friday 6am, Saturday 9AM and Sunday 10am. It would be great to see more people around the place with all the students missing for the new couple of months because of holiday.

We have some great deals for all the new members as well which are all on the website under pricing, make sure to check them all out. Remember it only takes one moment to change someones life for the better. Ask them to come along and they can see for themselves how cool a community you are part of and how fit and happy you are. That could be all it takes to motivate them to start.




Monday 21/11/16

Strength: Paused Back Squat

3 x 4 @ 70-75% of 1RM / Tempo 231x

Tempo:  2 sec negative phase  –  3 sec pause in the bottom  –  x fast acceleration through positive phase  –  1 sec reset then go again

WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

15 Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg

12 Pull ups

Core Finisher: 4 min Tabata

20 sec Hollow Rocks or Hold

10 sec Rest

20 sec Arch Rocks or Hold

10 sec Rest