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Bridget’s Debut in the Kick Boxing Ring

By November 15, 2017Uncategorized



If you are a regular at the evening classes you might have noticed Bridget hasn’t been around much. That is because for the past 2 months she has been training really hard to get her first kick boxing fight.

Bridget absolutely loved the experience and it really shows you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Everyone from SPC are super proud of you and your achievement and congrats on the W as well:)

Bridget isn’t done with kickboxing yet either she is already planning on another fight sometime next year. We will support you in any way we can towards your goals and good luck.

For now Bridget is back in the gym bringing her CrossFit back up and continuing on building her fitness base before she goes in the ring again. No matter what she will be the fittest one in the ring.




Wednesday 15/11/17

Skill: Skill transfer Hollow/Arch

10 min EMOM

Odd: 10-15 TTB

Even: 10-15 Burpees

WOD: 7 min AMRAP

15 Deadlift 80/55kg

15 Push ups

Core Finisher: Accumulate 2 min in

Hollow Rocks or Hold