Seems the weather has taken a turn for the worst so 6am class is canceled due to snow, we will advice later on about the other classes but they are on for now. Last week before I return and I cant wait to catch up with everyone again and get back to some regular training. But before then I still have some stuff to see and experience before then.
I will be getting straight into things when I get home so I would really appreciate it if you have anything I should consider for the gym. Let me know your positive feedback or things you think could improve. Would be great to make the gym as great as possible.
Also if you have returned from holiday and need to set up an AP form again get hold of us before we get hold of you as you will be asked to back pay weeks you have been back but haven’t paid.
Wednesday 12/7/17
Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min
3 Power Cleans – 3 Push Jerks
Build in weight
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time
15 Thrusters 50/35kg
15 TTB
200m Run