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Scaling for gymnastics

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The main goal when scaling a gymnastic movement is trying to pick something as close to the original movement as possible.

Lets take our Handstand push up (HSPU) example from yesterday. The first goal would be to find another exercise where the member gets upside down: Handstand hold (on wall or box) or a HSPU on a riser (on wall or box) If that is too hard then doing another pressing movement would be your next option. Either a push up or a DB shoulder press depending on what you see as the main focus: Either keeping the body weight aspect or keeping the overhead pressing aspect.

This goes for every gymnastic movement. Each member should have a “go to” progression they utilize during wods until they graduate to a harder progression. This way every member can monitor if they are getting better and if they need to change to the RX version of a given movement.

A good example from our gym is the Toe to Bar (TTB). Our main goal is to get every member hanging from the bar and doing an exercise that simulate a TTB. We have been drilling a lot of lying and hanging hollow rocks. From there we have utilized the hollow rock with a high knee and lat press down. This has been working really well and now we are getting most of our members doing the hollow rock with a high straight leg swing and lat press down. We have monitored our members individually and every time they have shown real improvement we have moved them on to the next progression.

This is funnily enough also the main reason why our fitness program is so beneficial. We can manage big groups and still give individual feedback to make sure all of our members improve in every area over a period of time. No one is left to just figure it out themselves.




Tuesday 13/2/18

Strength: E90s for 12 min

2 Squat Snatches

Build in weight

MetCon: 9 min AMRAP

30 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

30 Air Squats

Have smaller Goals to achieve your main Goal

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It is super important to have a goal to guide your training. It helps you strive for better results every day. So the question is: Do you have a goal?

If the answer is No. You need to think of something you really want out of your training at SPC.

If the answer is Yes. First of all, fantastic:) but do you then have smaller goals set out to help you get to your main goal? If not then here is what you need to start looking at doing.

We want all our members to achieve as many goals during the year as possible. That way we know and you know, you are getting closer to your main goal.

If you haven’t reached a small goal yet, first have a look if you have smaller goals in place and if you do are they really small goals which are easily achievable within 1-2 months or are they almost impossible to reach within a couple of months?

Example: Handstand push ups:

Month 1: Work on improving normal push ups and get into an A-frame.

Month 2: Try a push up in an A-frame and get into a Handstand with feet on a box

Month 3: Work on wall climbers and wall facing handstand push ups with a riser.

Month 4: Kick into a handstand against a wall and work on handstand push ups with a decreasing riser

Month 5: Get your First HSPU

This could seem like a long process and you might be at a different stage altogether with this particular exercise but if you know you could achieve all the skills you need in 5 months it doesn’t seem that bad does it?

It is all about having a plan and sticking to it. And always strive to achieve these smaller goals because it shows if you are on track to achieve your main goal. It also shows how long you have come from where you began and that will give you a real sense of achievement and hopefully give you more confidence for the future.




Monday 11/2/18

Strength: Every 90 sec for 12 min

1 Power Clean – 1 Power Clean & Push Jerk

Build in weight



Power Clean 60/40kg


-2 min Rest-


10 Push Jerk 60/40kg


Last HERO WOD Saturday, before the Open

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Murph will fittingly be our last HERO Wod on a Saturday for a little bit while we start a new phase of training. We will come back to them for sure. Saturdays will still be a nice long workout for you all so you wont miss out on anything.

We hope to see heaps of you this morning throwing down and some of you might even know your last Murph time which means you have something to beat.

Saturday is always one of the coolest training days. Long workout with heaps of members at the gym starting their weekend right:) If you haven’t done much training on a Saturday lately, you should try to join in. It will give you a really good sense of what we mean when we say “we have a really strong and awesome community at SPC”




Saturday 10/2/18



1.6 km Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1.6km Run

Partition reps as needed. You have to start and finish with the run.

We will have specific scaled options for this Wod.


In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

SPC Outdoor Program 2.0 coming soon

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We are working on adding to our outdoor program. Summer is still around and there will be greater opportunities for all members and non members to sign up for this program. There will be more info coming out on this throughout February. So if you have thought about doing some outdoor training while the weather is still good this could be for you.

If you would like to try out a session or two to see if it is for you, join us on Tuesdays at the Caledonian & Thursdays (Contact us for location) at 6am and Saturday 7am at SPC.

Get hold of us now if you would like to know more about our current outdoor program. Info on the new program will be coming out here on blog posts soon




Friday 9/2/18

MetCon: Chipper


BB Overhead squats 20/15kg

Double Unders

BB Thrusters

Sit Ups

Meeting all of the Members

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It will always be a priority of mine to meet all the members when they sign up but with the growth the gym has been having lately I have had a hard time getting around to everyone. Don’t worry though I’ll get there in the end. Some of you new members I have had the pleasure of talking to on the phone or through text only but we will meet soon enough.

The point I am making is, even if we get an influx of new members the core goal of the gym is still to build a CrossFit community. Plus every member needs to know, when they have questions or concerns around anything to do with the gym or their own training they get in contact with a person who cares about them not just some admin site that takes them to FAQ.

That is the main reason why people choose us in the first place. The coaches are approachable and knowledgable and we make sure everyone in the class gets the right amount of attention no matter their ability.




Thursday 8/2/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

3 Deadlift

Start @ 70% of 1RM and build from there

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

25 SDHP 40/30kg


Friendly Reminders

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We have almost finalized what apparel will be available to you all. You will be able to put your orders in before Friday midday.

The Open is sneaking closer lets get a big group signed up and lets have some fun during this Open Season. It was a great time at the gym last year and it is shaping up to be even better this year. Its a fantastic opportunity to show how far you have come since last year and it’s a great way to show support for everyone else who have signed up to give it a go.

Just like last year we will have a big End of Open Party for all members to meet some of the members from the other classes.




Wednesday 7/2/18

MetCon: 20 min EMOM

1st: 5 Single Arm DB Push Jerk (L/R) 32.5/20kg & 7 TTB

2nd: 15 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg

3rd: 50 Double Unders

4th: 30 Reverse Lunges


Coaches by morning, Painters by arvo:)

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These two legends spent their Sunday painting the wall for HSPU and Wall Balls. There hasn’t been a time since I’ve known Marcus and Joe and since they have started working at SPC that I couldn’t count on them for anything. Anytime I am away they have been there to take care of things. It has been so important for the success of the gym that I have had these two friends that I could put complete trust in with anything surrounding the gym and I am extremely grateful for that.

It is going to look awesome too. Thanks guys, brilliant paint job

Reminder only 6am , 7am , 4.30pm & 5.30pm classes today




Tuesday 6/2/18

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 9 (heaviest set at 7 from 2 weeks ago.

Running Conditioning

Every 3 min for 9 min

400 m Run

Every 2 min for 6 min

200 m Run

Accessory Work:

50 Hollow Rocks

50 Arch Rocks

Meet Karyn Paringatai

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It has been awesome getting to know Karyn and we are thrilled she has stuck with CrossFit. Its fantastic having her as a regular for the 7am classes:) Here are a few words from the woman herself
I was born and grew up in Invercargill, but my family also comes from Horoera, on the East Coast of the North Island – pretty much paradise on earth.
I’m a Senior Lecturer in Te Tumu – School of Māori, Pacific & Indigenous Studies at the University of Otago.
Fitness before SPC – I come from a team sports background (you name it I’ve played it – some not very well but I’ll give it a go).
Some family stuff happened a couple of years ago and I lost motivation for exercise until I went to Am I Fit, but I like strength training as well and came to Southern Peak CrossFit on a Grabone and loved it 🙂
In my spare time: Umm what spare time? Lol I actually just like pulling a mattress in to the lounge and binge watching stuff on Netflix. And spending time with my whānau.
Fun fact – I don’t have a stomach. I had all of it surgically removed in 2010
You have shown some real talent when it comes to learning brand new lifting technique and other gymnastic movements and if there is something you are struggling with you keep trying until you succeed. It will be great coaching you and see what the future brings:)




Monday 5/2/18

Strength: Every 2 min for 12 min

1 Snatch Pull – 1 Power Snatch – Hang Squat Snatch

Build in weight

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP

12 Deadlift 50/35kg

9 Hang Power Snatch

6 Burpee Over bar

Scaling loading with a purpose

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When you scale a workout you always need to know what the intent of the workout is. The idea is if you scale something it is to get the same stimulus out of it as people doing it rx.

Last time we covered scaling for beginners which still means we need them to get the same out of the workout but the main thing is they get a good workout and they are able to finish it within the time cap.

At one point in your fitness you will find out there are things you will scale more than other exercises. It usually means you are either good at the gymnastics movements or you are good at lifting weights.

Today we will cover scaling for lifting. If you need to scale the weight lifting the obvious choice is to go with a lighter weight but what lighter weight? Again the assumption here is you are not a beginner, you can do the movement with good technique but you are lacking strength. You have two options. If the weight is meant to slow you down and challenge you in this wod, make sure you don’t scale it so light that you are able to fly through a set unbroken. Pick a weight you know you cant do all the reps with in one go but you will definitely be able to go through them in singles or smaller sets. The main thing is the weight still allows you to hold good technique.

The other way around is where it gets trickier for people, especially the ones with egos. Ill use a specific example here.

Lets say the workout is calling for 60kg Thrusters for 12 reps and your max Thruster is 70kg. In this instance yes you can do a 60kg thruster but you can’t do it without having to drop it after very few reps and probably having to rest a lot between those small sets. This is where you need to be honest with yourself and scale the weight to something you can thruster for 12 reps. The thing with an exercise like Thrusters is the weight isn’t meant to be dropped before all the reps are done as this means you will need to keep cleaning it up to your shoulders every time.

As always the coach is there helping you out and letting you know what the purpose of every session is. We will help you scale correctly. But the more you know about how to scale for yourself, the more confident you will be in the gym and the more responsibility you will be able to take for your own health and fitness.

We will cover scaling for gymnastics next time




Saturday 3/2/18



5 Rounds for Time

30 KB Swings 32kg

30 Burpees

30 GHD Sit Ups (In-house version AB Mat Sit Ups)


Marine Staff Sgt Daniel Hansen died February 14th in Farah Providence, Afghanistan when an IED he was working on detonated. Daniel is survived by his mother Sheryll, his father Delbert, his younger sister Katie, and his twin brother Matthew (also a Marine).

Waitangi Day Classes

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We will have 4 classes on Waitangi Day and they are as follow:

Morning: 6am & 7am

Afternoon: 4.30pm & 5.30pm

No other classes will be on that day so plan around it if you would like a training session done.

We hope everyone enjoys their long weekend where ever you will be.

And good luck to a few of our members who are participating in the Masters Games.

Big Dog is competing in indoor Rowing and Fridge is competing with his cricket team.

If you are competing in the Games or other competitions/races let us know so we can give you a mention. We love following all our members competitions and achievements.




Friday 2/2/18

MetCon Chipper:

10 Muscle Ups

10 Power Cleans 60kg

10 TTB

20 Air Squats

30 Double Unders

10 Power Cleans 60kg

10 TTB

20 Air Squats

30 Double Unders

10 TTB

20 Air Squats

30 Double Unders

20 Air Squats

30 Double Unders

-Rest 5 min-
