The main goal when scaling a gymnastic movement is trying to pick something as close to the original movement as possible.
Lets take our Handstand push up (HSPU) example from yesterday. The first goal would be to find another exercise where the member gets upside down: Handstand hold (on wall or box) or a HSPU on a riser (on wall or box) If that is too hard then doing another pressing movement would be your next option. Either a push up or a DB shoulder press depending on what you see as the main focus: Either keeping the body weight aspect or keeping the overhead pressing aspect.
This goes for every gymnastic movement. Each member should have a “go to” progression they utilize during wods until they graduate to a harder progression. This way every member can monitor if they are getting better and if they need to change to the RX version of a given movement.
A good example from our gym is the Toe to Bar (TTB). Our main goal is to get every member hanging from the bar and doing an exercise that simulate a TTB. We have been drilling a lot of lying and hanging hollow rocks. From there we have utilized the hollow rock with a high knee and lat press down. This has been working really well and now we are getting most of our members doing the hollow rock with a high straight leg swing and lat press down. We have monitored our members individually and every time they have shown real improvement we have moved them on to the next progression.
This is funnily enough also the main reason why our fitness program is so beneficial. We can manage big groups and still give individual feedback to make sure all of our members improve in every area over a period of time. No one is left to just figure it out themselves.
Tuesday 13/2/18
Strength: E90s for 12 min
2 Squat Snatches
Build in weight
MetCon: 9 min AMRAP
30 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg
30 Air Squats