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Would you like to compete in 2018

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The Open has two more weeks to go. After that we will get into Saturday Comp Class 10-12pm again. If you have thought about competing in 2018 this class could be for you. We have both individual and team competitions around the country and we are keen to be part of those competitions again this year.

Contact us before the Open is finished if you are keen to join in

Look up NZ CrossFit Community on   https://www.facebook.com/NZCrossFitCommunity/   for much more info about what comps are coming up this year and when.

Our comp class will focus on getting you ready for your competition with a periodized plan which included our daily wods plus extra work around weaknesses to improve your overall fitness. There will also be a focus on teamwork as we get closer to team comps.




Tuesday 12/3/18

Strength: Back Squat

5 x 5 @ 80% of 5RM

If you don’t have a 5RM you should find it today

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 TTB

15 KB Swings 32/24kg


Scaling the Open Wods

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We are three wods into the Open and it has been one of the coolest 3 weeks of Open wods in my opinion and I have participated in the Open since 2012. There has been something for everyone. Gas tank, heavy lifting, skills and most of all traditional CrossFit.

Here are a few thoughts we would like to share about if and when to scale the Open wods. It really has to do with your goal and ability. If you have worked hard all year to try an RX the Open then we believe if there is any chance of you safely getting an RX score, even if it is a small score, you should go for it. It could end up meaning you lift a PR or you get your first muscle up like we saw this week. However if it turns out you are still struggling, we recommend you scale the particular wod and still have fun getting a good score and move on to next week. Scaling any wod is not the end of the world it just shows you what you need to work on in the future to get an RX score next time.

At the end of this years Open the coaches will have a look  at how we all did and the program will somewhat reflect where we need to put in a little more work. The whole years programming doesn’t revolve around the Open of course but we still want to make sure people who do sign up, have a good time and feel they are getting better every year.

Crush the last two weeks and we will see where we stack up. Just a little shoutout to everyone who are participating in the Open and everyone who have been helping with judging and cheering. It has been fantastic for the community and we are super proud of you all. Remember to submit your scores so we can validate them.




Monday 12/3/18

MetCon: Open Wod 18.3

2 Rounds for Time

100 Double Unders

20 Overhead Squats 52.5/37.5kg

100 Double Unders

12 Ring Muscle Ups

100 Double Unders

20 Alt DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

100 Double Unders

12 Bar Muscle Ups

-14 min Time Cap-

Important Reminders

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Reminders for upcoming events and deadlines:

We are only running an 8am class this Saturday so we can start the Open wod early at 9am.

Last chance to get apparel orders in is today. Don’t miss out on getting your own SPC Tee or Hoodie

Our End of Open Party will be Saturday 24/3. Venue TBA but make sure you block that evening off for our first function of the year.

First In House Partner comp (Guy/Girl) of the year will be Saturday 7/4. Find your partner and get signed up.




Friday 9/3/18

Metcon: Chipper

35 Power Snatch 40/30kg

50 Air Squats

35 Push Jerks

50 Sit Ups

35 Power Cleans

50 Air Squats

35 Push Jerk

50 Sit Ups

First In-House Comp 7/4/18

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Time to find your favorite SPC member and team up for the first In house Partner Comp of 2018. Pairs will consist of one Girl and one Guy. You are in charge of finding your own partner and sign up with one of the coaches. It will be a very inclusive competition to get everyone at the gym involved so don’t be afraid of signing up:) Looking forward to getting this years competitions under way with a bang.

So set aside Saturday 7/4/18 and get signed up now.





Strength: Push Press

Find your 5RM

MetCon: 16 min AMRAP

20 KB Reverse Lunges 24/16kg


20 Push Ups

40 Double Unders

Don’t forget to post your Open Scores

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We seem to have had a couple people miss out on putting a score in for the Open. We keep reminding you so make sure you remember every Monday afternoon to put it in. If you missed posting your score for a workout you can still continue in the Open your placing will just reflect you missed score. Keep working hard regardless as you still need to do your best to help out the In-House team you are competing with. However you will be required to do a few burpees for your mishap. This will be at the team captains discretion.

We are still open to take apparel orders till Friday so don’t miss out




Wednesday 7/3/18

MetCon: Every 4 min for 24 min

10 Deadlift 100/70kg


400m Run

(Scale to every 6 min)

Should you Redo Open Wods?

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I have been asked many times about my viewpoints on redoing Open Wods. Here is the gyms viewpoint on redoing Open Wods.

  1. If you have been busting your arse for a year to do well in the Open no matter if it is to qualify for regionals or just participate you deserve to redo the Open wods if you want to, simply for the fact that this is your big competition and we will help you get the best score possible.
  2. On the other hand if you haven’t trained with the Open as the main focus but still want to participate, we think you should just put your best foot forward once, get a score and thats it.

We would be more than happy to talk to any member or nonmember about your goals and thoughts on this and other things training related. I also urge you to talk to the other coaches as they will have their own individual thoughts on the Open and training in general which you could really benefit from hearing.




Tuesday 6/3/18

Strength: Back Squat

3 x 3 @5RM

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

25 Wall Balls 9/6kg

15 C2B Pull Ups

Apparel order in this week

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Right team, last chance to get your apparel order in. Get hold of one of the coaches and we will set it up for you. Also if you have ordered something make sure you get your payment to us this week as well. That will keep everything running smoothly.

Saturday was another great effort and you still have a chance to improve your score or get a score in for 18.2 & 18.2A today.

Monday 5/3/18

MetCon: 18.2 & 18.2A

In a 12 min Window



DB Front Squats 22.5/15kg

Bar facing Burpees

In remainder of time


find 1RM Clean

Rest with intent

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We have talked about resting in workouts before and reality is we all need to stop and rest sometimes. It is how we rest that will affect our workout. There are many ways of getting through a workout with planned rest like breaking sets up or giving yourself a set time per round. But what are you doing during your rest?

Here are some things to consider when you are resting.

  1. If you break during a set, stay where you are. Don’t walk away from the equipment you are using as it will take too long walking back to the equipment to continue your set
  2. Control your breathing to gather yourself before continuing
  3. Always have intent to get back to your workout fast, don’t lose focus
  4. Give yourself short countdowns to stay on track
  5. When moving between exercises prepare yourself for the next exercise while you get there and get straight to work. Don’t walk over first and then get yourself ready.
  6. Ask yourself should you go faster, slower or stay the same.
  7. focus on staying efficient and use good technique, don’t worry about how hard it is and how tired you are.

Use these cues to help you get through the workout and we promise you things will feel a lot better and you will feel a lot more in control during your workouts.




Friday 2/3/18

MetCon: Chipper


Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg


Double Unders

SPC Open In House Team Comp

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Check the Whiteboard to see what SPC in-house team you are in for the Open. At the end of the open we will add up everyones placings and allocate points which will give us a final standings. And announce the winner of the SPC CF Open.

Go hard over the next 4 weeks to give your team the best placing possible. Remember you are only competing against the people in your age group so there is plenty at stake to get that top spot.

We will do our best to keep you posted on how your team is going plus you can check out your own personal placing on games.crossfit.com




Thursday 1/3/18

Strength: E90S for 9 min

1 Power Snatch

Build in weight

3 min EMOM

3 Snatch Pulls @ heaviest Power Snatch

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

15 Overhead Squats 40/30kg

15 Pull Ups


7am and 8am classes on Saturday ONLY

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Just a reminder we will only have 8am CrossFit Class on Saturday. We will open our 7am session up to you to join in on as well if you want to get your workout done early. Instead Open athletes will meet at 9am and after the intro we will get into 18.2. This will give us a little more time to warm up and set up for the morning. If you are free Saturday morning we would love to see you down at the gym supporting all the athletes. last week was awesome and I know everyone who competed really appreciated the support they got.

Make sure you get your apparel orders in, don’t miss out on getting your workout gear with our logo on it:)




Wednesday 28/2/18

MetCon: Every 5 min for 20 min

400m Run

12 STOH 60/40kg

5 Muscle Ups

(RX+ Every 4 min)