Every Friday 6am and Sunday 10am we run a circuit class called GPP (General Physical Preparedness). It’s a class where aerobic fitness is the main goal. There are no barbells involved but all other equipment are a go. The class is for everyone and runs as a traditional circuit class. Heaps of action and fun for an hour filled with fitness. It is also a great class to bring a friend to as they get to try out a bunch of different exercises and they can easily control how hard they want to work because it’s all done on a 2 min timer.
We have run this class since we started the gym and it has proven very popular. If you want to give it a go all you have to do is turn up and we will help you with the rest.
Friday 6/4/18
Skill Testing:
Level 1: 1 Set of max unbroken Ring Muscle ups
Level 2: Work on turnover drill to get your first muscle up
Level 3: Work weaknesses to gain pulling/dipping strength
MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time (30 min Time Cap)
400m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans 52.5/35kg
20 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Double Unders