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Look for small Improvements

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We know some of the things we program are very hard but as we keep saying “stop thinking about the things that are too hard and focus on things you can control, like progressions and scaled options which you can do”. Always look to take small steps forward in your approach to learning new skills. You can’t expect to master everything in a matter of a few sessions. It takes real work and we are here to help you work through the progressions.

We also realise you are not all interested in learning to walk on your hands and that is completely fine. But we also know you all have goals and this is the time to work on them. If you are not at a stage to do muscle ups work on your pull ups or dips or push ups. As we have covered in previous posts there are always a skill that can help you moving forward. Keep working hard and remember what you did in previous sessions so we can progress from that.




Wednesday 2/5/18

Skill: Muscle Ups

4 x 50% +2

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

800m Run



21 Box Jumps 24/20′

Important dates in May

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Important dates for May Programs.

Saturday 5/5 10am Movement Screening with Josh Ong from Focus Physio. For all members. If you are doing our comp class and struggle with mobility you are expected to turn up.

Tuesday 8/5 6.30pm  6 Week Olympic Weightlifting Program with Mark White from Otago weightlifting. Sign ups only $120 for 12 sessions. There are still spaces available.

If you have any suggestions of anything you would like to see included in our time table feel free to contact us. We are always looking for ideas that will help our members.




Tuesday 1/5/18

MetCon: 3 x 4 min AMRAP/Rest

18 Air Squats

15 STOH 50/30kg

12 Pull Ups


15 Air Squats


9 Pull Ups


12 Air Squats


6 Pull Ups

Meet Laura Pidcock

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Laura started CrossFit with us this summer and it has been awesome having her as part of our community. Always in a good mood when she hits the gym. Here is a little bit about Laura in her own words.

I’m 21 and grew up in Christchurch with my two adventurous/crazy twin brothers, who I love really:) and a super cute dog, Lily. Through the inspiration of my parents, I have always been extremely active, running half marathons around the globe and competing at a high level in both track and road cycling before I began CrossFit. My family share a passion for the outdoors so we spend a great fraction of summer ripping up the tracks at the Christchurch Adventure Park and exploring New Zealand by tramping on the regular. Two activities I love the most are PAAARTY and TRAVEL. I’m fulfilling this match made in heaven during July with a trip to Argentina, which I am SO EXCITED about. This year is my final year of Pharmacy and when I’m not in class I carry out my role as the Pharmacy Students’ Association President were I’m privileged to meet a great deal of new people and create epic events and opportunities for our students to enjoy before they hit the big wide world! I really value the impact quality healthcare can have on individuals. A touch of empathy and clinical knowledge can go a long way, hence why I chose pharmacy.

Why did I choose CrossFit? Because there is a primal magic in going physically all out with a dozen other people. It’s not just the sense of accomplishment, the clock punching virtue of exercise but it’s the gratitude wrapped up in the sense of victory whereby you are getting stronger alongside a team of likeminded people who support you in reaching your goals. And you can all leave your energy on the floor 4+ days a week.

Laura has achieved heaps in the few months she has been here especially with her olympic lifting. However, linking pull ups and is definitely one of the coolest things we have seen you achieve. Awesome work. Looking forward to seeing how far you can go. Keep working hard




Monday 30/4/18

Strength: Squat Snatch

3 x 3 @ 65, 70 & 75%

3 x 1 @ 80%

MetCon: For Time In Pairs

60 Deadlifts 100/70kg

2 min Rest

120 Bar Facing Burpees


Masters League 11/5

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Masters League is starting on May 11. If you are over 35 you should seriously consider signing up for this comp. It starts as an online Comp and then from there, you can qualify for a invite to CHCH and then Gold Coast. Shez Qualified for the Gold Coast Finals last year and had a great time competing over there. A few of you have already asked about the comp so make sure you sign up and get ready for the first Wod. There are three different levels to choose from, so something for everyone.

Feel free to get hold of us if you would like more info about the comp or look up mastersleague.com.au




Friday 27/4/18

Strength: Deadlift

3 x 5 @ 75%

3 x 3 @ 80%

Barbell Conditioning: In pairs for time

60 Snatches 60/42.5kg

Straight into


Wall Balls 9/6kg


Movement Screening with Focus Physio

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Josh Ong from Focus Physio has been developing a program that will access your mobility I.E. your ability to hold and move through good positions on various movements. We will take you through a screening process and give you exercises and drills to help you with and mobility issues. We are privileged to be the first gym to host Josh’s program and it would be awesome to see you all there. Most of you know Josh from our Open Prep sessions we ran on Fridays during the open so you know how good and knowledgable he is. It is free of charge but we would like to ask all participants to give a donation to Josh’s “Toss the Boss” fundraiser for Malcam Trust. You get to help a charitable trust and you get help with your mobility at the same time. How awesome is that.

This will be held at the gym Saturday 5/5 at 10am. This is open to all members only. We ask that all members who are in the comp class definitely participate in this.

This program will give you specific knowledge of what you need to work on to be more mobile. You will be able to use this during class warm ups plus before and after classes. Most of us have a few mobility issues we would like help with and this is a fantastic opportunity to improve that.

The program will take about an hour so please don’t be late as we will get straight into it.

There will be more reminders coming your way




Thursday 26/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning:



20 sec Hollow Hold between each set

MetCon: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Alt. DB Snatch 22.5/15kg

Box Jumps 24/20′

10am class only, on ANZAC day

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Just reminding everybody we only have one 10am class tomorrow morning for ANZAC Day. This will give everyone a chance to go to Dawn Service and home for a bit to eat before coming in to train.

We still have some spots left for our 6 week Olympic Weightlifting Program with Mark White starting Tuesday 8/5 6.30pm. Get in quick.

Your apparel is still sitting at the gym waiting for you.




Tuesday 24/4/18

Strength: Front Squats

3 x 5 @ 75%

3 x 3 @ 80%

MetCon: 15 min EMOM

1st: 25sec STOH 60.42.5kg

2nd: 35sec Double Unders

3rd: 45sec Sit Ups

Motivate your friends during winter

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How many of you are jealous of all the new apparel you missed out on. We will be making a new order. If you are keen to get involved make sure you get hold of me ASAP.

Winter is approaching and we all know how hard it can be to stay motivated this time of year. The thing is, at SPC you guys rarely struggle with motivation because of who you are and the environment you train in. Time to drag all your friends in to show them winter doesn’t have to be this dark and sad time of the year where you struggle to get the days started. It can be an awesome time of the year where you hang out and train with your friends and make new goals for how good you want to look and feel during summer. Time to start planning and get things happening.

We always welcome you to bring a friend in to try CrossFit out. Remember how you got hooked on CrossFit. How good it feels to have something to focus on outside of work. An hour a day just for you, and you get all the physical and mental benefits of a good training session.

Keep fighting the good fight




Monday 23/4/18

Gymnastic Conditioning:

4 Sets of 50% of max Muscle Ups +1

MetCon: 23 min AMRAP

400m Run

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

15 Wall Balls 9/6kg

9 CTB Pull Ups



Two Teams to Nationals

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It is official we have entered two teams for Team Nationals in October. We are bringing an RX and an Intermediate team up so it will be a full on weekend of competition.

The competition session on Saturday will be a big part of the preparation for Nationals so if you would like to be considered for the teams it is important that you turn up to that saturday session from 10am-12pm.

We are super excited for this year. We have gotten hold of a few of you around committing to a team especially members who did so well last year at Team Nationals. The faster you confirm with us the faster we can get the teams confirmed and find the rest of the team members.




Saturday 21/4/18

Partner WOD:

10 Rounds (5 Each) of:

12 TTB

12 Wall Balls 9/6kg

8 Rounds (4 each) of:

12 Deadlift 100/70kg

6 Bar Facing Burpees

6 Rounds (3 each) of:

6 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg

12 Box Jumps 24/20′

Why so much Gymnastics?

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We have had a few questions around why we are doing so much gymnastics. We understand that you are all on different levels and you can’t all just jump around doing handstands and pull ups and muscle ups and so on. We would like to explain why we are programming so much gymnastics at the moment but there is more than one reason for this.

Firstly, gymnastics movements at there most basic level, we are talking hollow position, arch position, rolling, hanging, jumping, are to help all of our members be more aware of their body in space. What we mean by that is if you are strong through the core and are aware of your body position while swinging from a bar you will know when to hit arch position and hollow position and you will also know when to time your pull for a pull up or your leg drive for a toe to bar. If you don’t have this core strength and awareness you will either struggle to initiate a swinging motion or be unable to control your swing and that is a big problem with dynamic movements.

Secondly, not many gyms around here are even the least concerned with this part of fitness, which means a lot of people won’t even get to experience this or improve on it. At SPC you are given the opportunity to improve all aspects of fitness and then from there, you can make the decision if it is something you want to commit to and get better at or if it isn’t for you.

Which brings us to our third and most important point. CrossFit is for everyone. Sessions are all scaled to ability which means if you are good at gymnastics and interested in it you go through the prescribed session. If you are struggling with gymnastics but keen to get better we give you other stretches, strength based or dynamic based movements to help you improve your gymnastics. If gymnastics is putting you off for whatever reason think about is as an upper body strength session and we will construct the session around you improving your upper body strength and still getting a good workout when you are in. Having more core strength and body awareness will help you lift that weight you haven’t been able to lift but it will also give you the strength and courage to run down that rocky hill faster next time you are in a race.

Don’t be discouraged by some of the harder movements we do. The program is put together to both challenge the very fit members and also be scaled to cater for members who struggle with certain parts of their fitness. We can’t all be at the same stage of our fitness journey.

We are not trying to make you all olympic gymnasts even if it might feel like that sometimes. We are giving you the tools for you to improve across the board both with weights and bodyweight movements.




Friday 20/4/18

Gymnastics Conditioning:

13-11-9-7-5-4 of


Pull Ups

MetCon: Annie


Double Unders

Sit Ups

Thank you for all the feedback

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We asked for feedback the other day and we got heaps so thank you very much. It looks like you are all happy with the way things are going which is awesome to hear, if you disagree with that you are more than welcome to voice your opinion as we can only go by the feedback we get from all of you. If you gave us direct feedback you should have received a reply from us now. If you gave us anonymous feedback I hope you get your answer in the way we continue to help all of you and conduct ourselves professionally.

A couple of reminders:

  1. The Apparel is at the gym so please come and collect it when you have paid for it.
  2. We have only got 9 spots left for our first round of SPC Barbell Club. If you are keen to improve your olympic weightlifting you need to sign up for this program.




Thursday 19/4/18

Strength: Squat Cleans

1 x 3 @ 60,65 & 70%

3 x 1 @ 75%

Barbell Conditioning: In pairs

5 min AMRAP

5 Front Squats 70/50kg

3 min Rest

5 min AMRAP

200m Sprint Relay