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Extra Apparel for sale

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We ordered some extra apparel and since everyone who pre-ordered have gotten all of theirs we have the rest for sale. Ask the coach after class to try out the tops and bring $35 cash for Tee’s and Muscle tee’s. We will do another pre-order again soon.

Concerning class bookings, we know it is a brand new system and we do appreciate you having a few issues remembering to book in. But remember if you don’t book in and turn up to a fully booked class you are taking coaching time away from the 16 people who did book in. We will never ask anyone to leave who hasn’t booked in of course, but the 16 cap is a specific number in which the coach is able to get around to each individual member and give specific coaching. That is also the main reason you all chose to train here because you know you get personalized coaching during each class.

We appreciate you guys being behind us as we are constantly trying to improve the SPC experience.




Tuesday 15/5/18

Skill: 20-18-16-14-12-10

Pull Ups


MetCon: 12 min AMRAP

6 DB STOH (L arm) 32.5/22.5kg

6DB STOH (R arm)

200m Run

Accessory Work: 6 min Tabata (20sec on/10sec off)

Hollow Hold

Arch Hold

Bottom position squat hold

Booking System is up and running

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Our booking system is up and running so make sure you go on our website or Facebook to book into classes from now on. It is super simple to do, just spend a couple minutes looking through the set-up and you will be ready to roll. It will be a big change for everyone and we do appreciate you taking the time to get used to it. At the end of the day it will help us track total class numbers and specific member attendance. More importantly, it will spread class numbers around all classes which means you will always have the needed equipment for your workout and the coach will always be able to get around every person in the class to make sure you get the most out of your training session.

We are always happy to hear your questions or concerns regarding anything with the gym so feel free to get hold of use if you need any help with this.

Lastly, a huge thank you to Timely in Dunedin for helping us getting our booking system set up. It is another step in the right direction of growing bigger and better and it will help us expand our business for the future. It is a great feeling to support local businesses and build strong relationships in Dunedin.




Monday 14/5/18

Strength: Squat Clean

3 x 1 @ 75, 80 & 85%

3 x 1 @ 90%

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

Odd: 7 Front Squats 80/55kg

Even: 50 Double Unders

One more week before Testing

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This coming week is the last training week of this training cycle. Afterwards we will start a testing week to see all of your improvements. Make sure you prepare for our testing phase by getting the right amount of recovery and sort out any niggles you might have which can be fixed in time for testing. We will use all the testing results as guidance for future programs to improve the gym as a whole.

We are super excited to see everyones improvements on all aspects of fitness. Make sure you keep writing your Personal Records on the “PR” Board so we can all celebrate your achievements together. Ill be posting them at the end of testing.

Get excited about it




Friday 11/5/18

Strength: Front Squat

2 x 2 @ 80%

2 x 2 @ 85%

2 x 2 @ 90%

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

Odd: 5 – 7 Power Cleans TnG 60/42.5kg

Even: 16 Wall Balls 9/6kg

Your apparel is still at the gym

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We still have a little bit of apparel from our last order please come in and grab it so we can tick you off the list. We will look to put in another order soon and get a few extra things for people to buy of us. Let us know any new apparel you would like us to add the selection. Other tops, shorts, track pants or socks.

Would be great to see the logo out and about more. Ill definitely make sure to bring a few shirts with me on my way overseas in July:)

We are looking to add more success stories and other experiences from our members to our daily blog posts so if you have experienced something awesome you would like to share on here please feel free to get hold of us and we will make sure to post it.




Thursday 10/5/18

Skill: Muscle Ups

4 sets of 50% + 3

MetCon: 2 Rounds for Time

400m Run

40 Burpees

40 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

(20 min Time Cap)

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of

12 KB Single RDL

8 Strict TTB

Where have you been?

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Our SPC Olympic weightlifting Program kicked off last night. It will be awesome to see how much you will improve under the guidance of Mark over these next 6 weeks. Looking forward to following everyones progress. If you have changed your mind and really want to sign up you need to do so before Thursday, after that you will need to wait till next round.

Masters League is starting this Friday. We have been hassling a few of you to get signed up so hopefully you have followed up on that. It would be great to have a few people to throw down with this year. Let us know how you get on. Throw any questions at us about the comp.

Speaking of hassling:) If you haven’t been in a while prepare to get a call or text today. We are always chasing people up because it is a fun part of the job but mainly to get you back into the gym. There are many reasons for stopping your training but when your reason for stopping is no longer there the hardest part is getting back into it. That’s where we come in, Let us hear your reason and we will try and help you get back the best we can. We realize we can’t help everyone but we will sure try. Plus we know you’ll be reading this blog post anyway thinking, “hmm, I do need to get back training with these guys”





MetCon: Mary

20 min AMRAP


10 Pistols

15 Pull Ups


Josh Ong’s Fundraiser page

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Thanks again to Josh from Focus Physio for giving us a bunch of tips on how to become more flexible and stable and move better. Everyone got heaps out of it and it would be great to invite you back for a follow up session and get even more people involved. We could potentially partner up and everyone can go through the screening again.

I will post the link for Josh’s fundraising page on our Facebook page and you can go in and help him raise money for Malcam Trust. Every little amount counts so please donate what you can afford.

Reminder: Our Olympic Weightlifting Program starts tonight 6.30 and we have very limited spots left so if you haven’t made your mind yet you have until tonight to get signed up and pay. We are looking forward to bringing this program to all of you again. And we are very fortunate to have such an experienced weightlifting coach in Mark White helping us out.




Tuesday 8/5/18

Strength: Deadlift

2 x 2 @ 80%

2 x 2 @ 85%

2 x 2 @ 90%

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

Odd: 5-7 Power Snatches (TnG) 52.5/35kg

Even: 50 Double Unders

Meet Petera Tapsell

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Petera (Pet) is from Tauranga. He went to school in Hamilton (St Pauls). He had always played sports since he was young but stopped when he started a Surveying degree at Uni. He was keen to get started with something again so his flatmate Ryan introduced him to CrossFit halfway through last year.

Pet has mobility and coordination on his side so he picked up CrossFit pretty early on. He is one of the more quiet guys at the gym but easy to coach and always tries his hardest. Pet loves social gatherings and a few drinks, he is the biggest drinker at the gym (as specified from Marcus:) but he is always back at the gym training, even if he has been out the night before. Pet is at the gym most days either during a class or at Open gym. He loves playing the guitar in his spare time, we are still to hear some music from him at one of our parties. Feel free to bring your guitar down next time. Pet enjoys going out sailing too, mainly at home during his holidays. His Favourite drink is purple goanna, Favorite Food is Nachos and Favourite exercise at the gym is Toes to Bar.

Keep training hard and enjoying yourself in Dunedin for the next year and a half mate. I’m sure there will be plenty of gym parties you can join in on.




Monday 7/5/18

Gymnastics Conditioning: 12 min EMOM


Odd: Pull Ups

Even: HSPU

MetCon: 3 x 3 min AMRAP/3 min Rest

3 min AMRAP

12 Hang Cleans 50/30kg

12 Burpee over bar


3 min AMRAP

9 Hang Cleans

9 Burpee over Bar


3 min AMRAP

6 Hang Cleans

6 Burpee over Bar

10am mobility today

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Hope to see you all at 10am for our movement screening and mobility session with Josh Ong and the rest of the Focus Physio crew.

There will also be an opportunity for competitors to train afterwards if they want to.




Saturday 5/5/15

MetCon: Partner Chipper

30 Clean & Jerks 60/42.5kg

1.2km Run together

10 Rope Climbs

800m Run

100 Burpees

40 min Time Cap

No 6.30pm class Tuesday & Thursday during Weightlifting

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Remember with the weight lifting program starting next week there will be no 6.30pm class Tuesday and Thursday evening for the next 6 weeks. Since 6.30pm are normally quiet classes it shouldn’t affect too many of you plus a few of you have signed up for the program anyway. 7.30pm would just be too late to run the program as people wouldn’t get home till after 9pm.

If you have any concerns about making it to other sessions feel free to get hold of us and we will help you out the best we can.

There are still a few spots available. Get hold of us now if you would like to sign up.




Friday 4/5/18

Gymnastics Conditioning: 12 min EMOM


Odd: Pull Ups

Even: HSPU

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

15 Hang Squat Cleans 40/30kg

15 Burpee Over Bar

30 Double Unders

Accessory Work: 3 Sets for Quality

8 DB Single Arm Strict Press

40sec Hollow Hold




Improve your mobility with Josh, this Saturday

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Make sure you get yourself to the gym this Saturday at 10am. Josh Ong will be taking everyone through a movement screening and helping everyone with their mobility. If you have any mobility or flexibility issues you should definitely go to this class. Josh is fundraising for Malcam Trust so a small donation for the session would be much appreciated.

If you feel you are very mobile or flexible you should still turn up to learn more about good positions to use that mobility or flexibility to its full potential. Also think about if you are hyper mobile, Josh will have a few things for you to focus on to stay within a strong/safe range of motion.

Remember everything you learn on Saturday can be used from then on before or after every training session you do. Incorporate it into warm ups, cool downs and recovery sessions. It will give your session more direction when you turn up early to a class. and you can do it while you catch up with other members too.




Thursday 3/5/18

Strength: Squat Cleans

3 @ 65, 70 & 75%

3 x 1 @ 80%

MetCon: In Pairs for Time

60 Front Squats 70/50kg

-2 min Rest-

220 Wall Balls 9/6kg