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New Apparel Order

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As predicted, a whole heap of you missed out on getting apparel and decided you wanted some anyway, so we are putting in another order and we are adding products again. Let us know what you would like us to add to the order and what colours your would like to see next. Majority rules so make sure you have your say today.

It is great to see so many of you are keen to show off the gym, we really appreciate that. This order will be going in soon so make sure you get hold of us ASAP with your order or suggestions.




Wednesday 13/6/18

Skill Testing:

1 Unbroken set of HSPU (Strict or Kipping)


10 min EMOM

1st: 200m Run

2nd: 15 KB Swings 24/16kg

-2 min Rest-

8 min EMOM

1st: 10 Bent Over Rows AHAP

2nd: 15 V-Ups

PR Boards on Instagram

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I hope you all saw our PR Boards on Instagram. If you are not on Instagram I suggest you set up a profile and follow @southernpeakcrossfit as we put out a lot of content over that platform. You get to see what goes on at the gym on a daily basis if you watch our stories and you will be kept up to date with specialty programs, seminars, competitions training tips and much more.

Reminder about our Gymnastics class this Wednesday 6.30pm. A one off class with CF Regionals Athlete Speedy Thompson. Free for all members. Come prepared to practice your gymnastics.




Tuesday 12/6/18

Strength: Paused Front Squats

3 x 7 @ 55% of 1RM w/3sec pause

MetCon: 3 x 4min AMRAP : 4min Rest

1st: 6 C & J 50/35kg & 10 CTB Pul Ups

2nd: 8 Deadlift & 12 TTB

3rd: 6 Front Squats & 10 Pull Ups

Gymnastics with Speedy Wednesday Evening

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As many of you know my good friends Speedy and Jay are in town for a holiday. Speedy has agreed to run a gymnastics session for all members for free this Wednesday 6.30pm.

Speedy has been in the fitness industry for almost 10 years and has worked both in NZ and the UAE. He is a CrossFit Level 2 certified Trainer. He also holds certificates in CrossFit Gymnastics and CrossFit Weight Lifting and he is a world calisthenics certified trainer. He is also a very accomplished Crossfit athlete having been to 4 Regionals as an individual in the Australian and Meridian Regionals.

You will get a chance to refresh a bunch of stuff we have gone through and you will get an amazing opportunity to learn heaps of new stuff, both a lot of basic and advanced gymnastics but also how to relate it to CrossFit. All members are invited to this session on Wednesday at 6.30pm

Looking forward to seeing you all there and make sure you come prepared to work out. No booking needed.




Monday 11/6/18

Strength Testing

Find your 1RM Back Squat

MetCon: For Time

100 Double Unders

30 Alt. DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

75 Double Unders

40 Alt. DB Snatches

50 Double Unders

50 Alt. DB Snatches

Cool Down:

2 x 90sec L-back Stretch

1 x 90sec Hamstring Stretch

Prep for ML Invitationals

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Well done to everyone who got through the 4 weeks of Masters League Qualifiers. We hope you all enjoyed it and good luck to everyone who made it to the invitationals. You will get an email within the next few days and please let us know if you got through so we can help you get ready for the 30/6 comp in CHCH. We will set up some sessions for everyone who qualifies to prepare you for the competition. Especially if this is your first out of town comp. The sessions will obviously be planned around specific training you will need to do but also things like what to bring, how to warm up with limited space and equipment, how to recover between events and so on.

We are looking forward to seeing you all compete up there and hopefully punch your ticket to the Gold Coast Finals in September.




Friday 8/6/18


8 min AMRAP

16 KB Goblet Squat 24/16kg


-2min Rest-

8 min AMRAP

16 KB SDHP 24/16kg

8 Single arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk (left arm) 22.5/15kg

8 single arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk (right arm)

4 min Tabata Finisher: 20sec On; 10sec Off

Max Reps

Empty Barbell Thrusters

Big Dog in Sydney to watch his son Sam at Regionals

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Our good friend Stu Kemp aka Big Dog was in Sydney this weekend to watch his son Sam compete at the CrossFit Regionals in the CrossFit +64 Team. They took 7th overall which was a massive achievement from 4 awesome athletes. It will be easy to guess what next years goal is. Sam always comes in for a session or two when he is in Dunedin and it will be great to catch up with him again when he is back down. Big Dog and Sam are OGs when it comes to CrossFit, they started way back when Welshie and Speedy set up CFD so I even had the pleasure of coaching them then. Make sure you ask Big Dog about the weekend he will be buzzing to tell everyone about it, it is a fantastic achievement from the team.




Thursday 7/6/18

MetCon: 21 min EMOM

1st: 4 Deadlift 100/70kg & 5 Burpee over Bar

2nd: 200m Run

3rd: 10 Push Ups & 10 V-Ups

Good Technique with light weights

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Be careful when you come to class today it’s not looking great out there. Small turnout this morning says it all 🙂

As you all know technique is super important when it comes to weight lifting. Both from a strength and injury prevention point of view. What sometimes seem to slip peoples minds is that technique is just as important during light weight workouts as it is with heavy weight workouts. If you don’t build a foundation it will hurt your weight lifting ability in the long run. I realize there are heaps of factors that play in like flexibility, coordination, even desire to be good at weight lifting. During the strength part of our workouts we always go through technique with lighter weights before going up in weights and you all understand that and follow those rules.

It can however be a different story when it gets to the metcons with light weight olympic lifting movements. Lets take yesterdays workout as an example. It called for light Hang Power Snatches and Overhead Squats. The Overhead Squats were the hardest part for most of you which meant the weight had to be really light which obviously meant the Hang Snatches got even easier. That gave a few of you an excuse to just swing the bar over your head and still call it a Hang Power Snatch. We helped you out and got you into the right position but it got me thinking about how much value some of you think we put on good technique and from what we saw maybe not as much as we do.

Let us all agree that from now on even if the bar is super light we keep using the best technique possible. Using good technique with light weights will set you up a lot better for heavier weights in the future. No matter how fast you want to complete a workout the technique has to be spot on. It doesn’t matter how fast you did a workout, if you didn’t improve on anything specific during that hour.

There is a very low ceiling on strength gains with bad technique relative to the individual and ones you hit that ceiling there is nowhere for you to go but back down to fix your technique before you can come back up and that could take months or years. Don’t fall into that category when you have coaches around you who are willing to help out.




Wednesday 6/6/18

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 Wall Balls 9/6kg

10 Burpees

5 Bar Muscle Ups

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of:

30 sec Handstand Hold

30 sec Rest

30 sec Hanging L-Sit

30 Sec Rest

Back to Work

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We hope everyone had a great long weekend. We are back to normal hours so make sure you get booked in and start your training with a bang. We have a transition week and then our next training block will start. We saw a lot of PR’s so can you all please write them on the PR Board then I will post all of our PR Boards on our Facebook page. This week will consist of skill work, normal MetCons and accessory work. Time to recover from the last training cycle and get fizzing for next week.




Tuesday 5/6/18

Skill: 10 min Practice

Rope Climbs

Skill: 10 min EMOM

Odd: 1-2 Rope Climb

Even: 20 Air Squats

MetCon: 10 min AMRAP

7 Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg

7 Overhead Squats



Good Luck to Magic, Jamie & Simmo

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Three of our good friends are competing at Regionals this weekend. Magic is competing in the Pacific Region and Jamie and Elliot are competing in the Meridian Region. Good Luck for the three days and we all hope you reach your goals for the season. It has been awesome hanging out and training with you all at SPC when you were in town over summer and we will all be glued to our laptops to watch you smash it at Regionals. Leave it all out there and hopefully we can celebrate a lot of success on Sunday:)




Friday 1/6/18

MetCon: Kelly

5 Rounds for Time

400m Run

30 Box Jumps 24/20′

30 Wall Balls 9/6,kg

Last Masters League Wod announced tomorrow

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The last Masters League Wod ML18.4 is announced tomorrow and then it’s time to see who qualified for the next stage. Everyone who joined in has done an amazing job so far. It has been some tough wods this year but everyone has taken up the challenge and given it their best shot. What do you think the last wod will be? Looking at the rest of the wods we have done, you could be fooled to think a longer wod is coming out of the hopper tomorrow afternoon, but you just never know. Remember you have prepared yourself for anything so you should be feeling good about this last wod. We are looking forward to seeing how everyone stacks up with the rest of the competition. We will start preparing the people who qualify for the next stage when we now. Should be a fun month of training coming up for everyone.




Skill Testing: Ring Muscle Ups

1 set of Max reps

MetCon: 18 min EMOM

1st 15 Hang Power Cleans 40/30kg

2nd: 7 TTB & 30 Double Unders

3rd: 10 Burpees


Ordinary People with Extraordinary Fitness

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Testing is going extremely well. Lets keep it going for another couple of days we have still got some lofting today and muscle ups tomorrow. There are so many of you who are so close to your first muscle up so lets start getting ready for it now and then come in tomorrow and get that ticked off the list.

From a lifting point of view we have been really impressed with everyone technique improvements which of course has also resulted in a lot of PRs. It is amazing to think that a bunch of normal people like us can come to the gym every day and perform lifts and other exercises, once thought off as exclusive to athletes. If you miss a PR attempt this week be angry about it for sure but then also remember how fit and strong you actually are compared to your friends or other people your age. Keep working hard so we can fill up that PR Board and we can celebrate all the success together.




Wednesday 30/5/18

Strength Testing:

in 20 min find your

1 RM Squat Snatch

in 20 min find you

1RM Deadlift