Be careful when you come to class today it’s not looking great out there. Small turnout this morning says it all 🙂
As you all know technique is super important when it comes to weight lifting. Both from a strength and injury prevention point of view. What sometimes seem to slip peoples minds is that technique is just as important during light weight workouts as it is with heavy weight workouts. If you don’t build a foundation it will hurt your weight lifting ability in the long run. I realize there are heaps of factors that play in like flexibility, coordination, even desire to be good at weight lifting. During the strength part of our workouts we always go through technique with lighter weights before going up in weights and you all understand that and follow those rules.
It can however be a different story when it gets to the metcons with light weight olympic lifting movements. Lets take yesterdays workout as an example. It called for light Hang Power Snatches and Overhead Squats. The Overhead Squats were the hardest part for most of you which meant the weight had to be really light which obviously meant the Hang Snatches got even easier. That gave a few of you an excuse to just swing the bar over your head and still call it a Hang Power Snatch. We helped you out and got you into the right position but it got me thinking about how much value some of you think we put on good technique and from what we saw maybe not as much as we do.
Let us all agree that from now on even if the bar is super light we keep using the best technique possible. Using good technique with light weights will set you up a lot better for heavier weights in the future. No matter how fast you want to complete a workout the technique has to be spot on. It doesn’t matter how fast you did a workout, if you didn’t improve on anything specific during that hour.
There is a very low ceiling on strength gains with bad technique relative to the individual and ones you hit that ceiling there is nowhere for you to go but back down to fix your technique before you can come back up and that could take months or years. Don’t fall into that category when you have coaches around you who are willing to help out.
Wednesday 6/6/18
MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
20 Wall Balls 9/6kg
10 Burpees
5 Bar Muscle Ups
Accessory Work: 3 Rounds of:
30 sec Handstand Hold
30 sec Rest
30 sec Hanging L-Sit
30 Sec Rest