We have been practicing a lot of Barbell Cycling both with light and heavy weight. Before last training cycle, We covered this topic of keeping your core on and breathing at the same time during a lifting set but we have seen examples where we need to keep reminding people of this concept.
When you cycle reps with any weight you need to be able to keep a tight core and breathe at the same time. Many people find this hard to do both. They will either forget to keep a tight core to breathe and risk injury or they will keep a tight core but hold their breath and in turn run out of oxygen. If you can not keep your core tight and breath at the same time you need to lower the weight right down until your body is able to coordinate this. It can of course be practiced and we will spend more time on this during classes. Here are some important tips to use.
Heavy Weight Breathing: You take a big breath and hold it before and while you lower the weight, then you breathe out slowly as you lift the weight. This will help you keep a tight core and you won’t run out of oxygen and pass out during a heavy set. For heavy weights take a big breath before each rep in a given set and follow this pattern.
Light Weight Breathing: First of all an obvious side note but still need to be mentioned: When lifting light weights, technique is still very important, so first of all make sure you are not just throwing it around. Good technique at light weights will transfer over to heavy weights. Now, when it comes to breathing during light weights you have two options. Your core still need to be tight but not as tight as when you are using heavy weights. It will be a waste of energy tensing your core really hard at a really light weight so first of all find the perfect tension for you. That can be done by trial and error.
Option one for breathing during light weight: If you struggle with this you should slow the reps down to time them with each of your breaths. So reset each rep with inhaling and perform each concentric rep with exhaling. That means you stay in control and you can get a really good rhythm going. You might be going slower but you will be able to perform bigger unbroken sets and have more energy left.
Option two for breathing during light weights: If you are getting better at this. Try to keep your core tight and breathe through your chest while performing reps. You don’t have to time your breaths with your reps but concentrate on staying relaxed and not speeding up your breath cycle while working out. When you finish a big set and it feels like you are coming up for air and you start breathing frantically, you held your breath. Stay in control of your breathing throughout the workout.
Tuesday 26/6/18
Strength: Back Squat
2 x 3 @ 70%
2 x 3 @ 80%
1 x 1 @ 90%
MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time
20 Deadlift 100/70kg
25 Burpees
15 Single Arm DB Push Jerks (ea) 22.5/15kg