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Bring a Friend to 9.15am

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We have all gotten used to the cold by now so there is no hiding from it anymore. We are still running a full schedule and we intend to keep that going while I am away. However the coaches will keep track of classes and if we can see any class regularly having no one in it, it will take a break till I am back. So make sure you keep turning up to the session that suits you best or you might miss out. If you end up being the only one at a class (9.15am cough cough:) bring a friend with you and we can get them signed up and they can train with you.

You can of course always contact me while I’m away but with the time difference I will reply during my day time. If there is anything you would like to go over before I leave get hold of me this week. We have Marcus, George and Amanda taking classes while I am gone so it will be a great opportunity to see different coaching styles and learn some new things from each of them.




Wednesday 11/7/18

Strength: Paused Front Squats

3 x 3 @ 70% w/ 3 sec pause at bottom

MetCon: For Time


Every time you break perform

20 Box Jumps 24/20′

30 Double Unders

Accessory Work: 3 Sets

10 Box Arch to Hollow

10 Single arm Strict DB Press


Sponsorships for Our Masters League finals athletes

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We have three athletes going to the Gold Coast for the Masters League finals in September and we are looking to get some sponsorships in to help us get there. We are looking to see if our gym community can help us out to start with. We have a proposal in the works and if you would like to help us out please contact us and we will go through your options. We really appreciate any help to get us to the finals representing NZ and more specifically the South Island and the gym. All the athletes have worked extremely hard to get ready for this comp and they are ready to take their opportunity over there. Looking forward to hearing from you whether it is a sponsorship or another idea for us to use.




Tuesday 10/7/18

Strength: Strict Press

1 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 5 @ 80%

1 x 5 @ 85%

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

12 DB Deadlift 22.5/15kg

9 DB Hang Cleans


12 TBB


Marcus in charge between 17/7-17/8

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One more week until I am away for 4 weeks. While I am away Marcus will be in charge but you can always email me with any concerns so you don’t overload Marcus with questions. We have also got George as our new (CF-L2) Coach some of you will meet him this morning. There will be more about him this week. We are sure you will all make him feel welcome and it is always great to get a new perspective on coaching so he will be a real asset to the gym.




Monday 9/7/18

Strength: Back Squat

1 x 5 @ 75%

1 x 5 @80%

1 x 5 @ 85%

MetCon: 5 Rounds each for max reps

In a 3 min window

200m Run

20 Sit Ups

max reps of:

KB Swings 24/16kg in round 1

KB SDHP in round 2

KB Goblet Squat in round 3

KB Goblet Lunges in round 4

Air Squats in round 5

-1 min Rest between each round-

Running Lab Workshop

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Focus Physio has worked hard to secure The Running Lab coming to Dunedin and we have the pleasure of hosting them right here at Southern Peak CrossFit. They have worked with world class athletes and coaches and specifically to us they have worked with CrossFit Games and Regionals athletes. It will be an awesome day of learning and improving your running technique and how to train becoming a better runner. Something we can all benefit from. You can choose between Saturday 13/10 and Sunday 14/10. All the info is on our Facebook page where you can also sign up. There are limited spots so make sure you get in quick. This is a public event so not only gym members will be able to sign up.




Friday 6/7/18

Barbell Cycling: E2M for 16min

1 Power Snatch – 1 Hang Snatch – 1 Snatch

Build in weight

MetCon: 13 min AMRAP

15 OHS 35/25kg


5 Bar Muscle Ups

Welcome to new members

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Welcome to new members we hope you are enjoying your training again and having fun trying some new movements. There will plenty of new stuff coming your way so make sure you soak it up as much as possible. Also make sure you have a couple days rest every week so you don’t run yourself down. Remember its a long term training plan. You don’t have to be great at everything straight away. It will take time and just let it take time. Work on technique for now and all the heavy weights and gymnastic skill will come in due course. Great to have you all onboard




Thursday 5/7/18

Strength: Strict Press

2 x 5 @ 75%

2 x 3 @ 85%

1 x 1 @ 90%

MetCon: For Time

1.2km Run

100 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg

800m Run

50 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg

400m Run

(30 min Time Cap)

Keep warm by training

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It is not getting warmer so you better just get your butts in here for a session. Bring a friend who keeps talking about coming in but hasn’t been here yet. We all know someone who keeps saying they will give CrossFit a go, they just want to get a little fitter or a little stronger first. The whole point of coming in is to get fitter and stronger. Plus when they come in we will most likely have to help them with better technique so they won’t be able to lift heavy to start with anyway. Get hold of them and bring them along. If they live in Dunedin the first session is on us:)




Wednesday 4/7/18

Strength: Back Squat

2 x 5 @ 75%

2 x 3 @ 85%

1 x 1 @ 90%

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

8 Power Cleans 60/40kg

10 Burpee Over Bar

Accessory Work: 3 Supersets

5 Strict CTB Pull Up

10 KB Bottom up Press (ea)

Mid Winter Party this Saturday plus other reminders

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Remember we are meeting at Big Dogs place this Saturday for our Mid-Winter Party. The address is on the white board.

Please remember to book in for classes. It will help us with attendance performance so we can improve the class time table. It will also show us which classes might need a break while I am away (July-August).

Next SPC Barbell Club starts Tuesday 17/7 and there are still spots available lets get this program filled up again. Ask around if you want more info on the program and read the testimonials we have posted. Feel free to promote it to your friends even if they are not members. Everyone is welcome you sign up for this program.




Tuesday 3/7/18

Skill: TTB

3 x 12

40sec Rest between sets

MetCon: 20 min EMOM

1st: 7 Deadlift 100/70kg & 7 CTB Pull ups

2nd: 7 Burpees o/bar & 7 V-Ups

3rd: 7 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg

4th: 7 DB reverse Lunges & 7 DB STOH

Add an extra rep per exercise after every round


Awesome effort at ML Invitationals

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It was a big day of competition with three hard workouts and only about an hour and a half of rest in between each workout. Chris Ludlow had already qualified for the finals so he didn’t have to go. Shez dominated the whole competition and won her division and also qualified for the finals. She has done an amazing job this year with her training and diet and has had one of the gyms biggest transformations. Super proud of you Shez. It was Karyn’s first competition and she did an fantastic job keeping up with everyone and finishing all the workouts. It was great to see her just go out there and really work hard and enjoy herself. There might have been some nerves but she didn’t show them at all. It will be great to see how much she can improve over the next year until Masters League comes around again. Congrats to everyone who competed in ML 2018. I am sure we can get many more of you involved next year. We will make sure to target this competition as the main one for all our masters athletes. The program will branch out to reflect this. More about that at a later date.




MetCon #1: 12 min EMOM

Odd: 30 sec Wall Ball test +2 reps

Even: 50 Double Unders

MetCon #2: 4 Rounds for Time

20 Air Squats

20 SDHP 24/16kg

200m Sprint

-1 min Rest-

SPC Barbell Club Testimonials

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We have had a lot of interest in our next round of SPC Barbell Club so please get your name down now so you don’t miss out. It starts on the Tuesday 17/7. Here are a few testimonials from previous participants of our SPC Barbell Club

“I went into the barbell club sessions hoping to come away with some improvement in my technique and was not disappointed. Marks an excellent coach with a wealth of knowledge and good yarns. The lifts were broken down into manageable progressions and even a few of the trickier ones were achievable after a few laughs. I feel I really benefited from the small adjustments and cues, along with some extra accessory work we learnt about and I hope to put it to use in future training. I recommend getting amongst it if you get the chance”.  Shez


“I found doing SPC Barbell Club a huge challenge, not physically but mentally. I’ve never done any olympic weightlifting before so having Mark guide us through the techniques of the snatch and clean and jerk over and over again at each class gave me so much more confidence under the bar. He watched us, told us where we needed to improve, and encouraged us but knew when not to push us further. The main thing I learnt was: Technique is key”.  Karyn


“Barbell club was great for me as I was seriously losing confidence with my lifting and Mark was able to correct my technique so much so that I was happy with the 1RMs that I achieved. The way Mark breaks the lifts down and the tips of the trade make all the difference. The time everyone got from Mark was good because he was able to tell me what I needed to do to correct a lift. Also the practice of just lifting on Tuesday and Thursday night makes a difference because you wouldn’t normally get that consistent practice. The Competition at the end is a lot of fun too.
I would recommend the Barbell club to any one because its great having that confidence in a WOD”.  Eldon


We have heaps of really positive testimonials from so many who have participated in our SPC Barbell Club and it is great to be able to offer such a fantastic program to all of our members and the rest of the community of Dunedin. We couldn’t run such a successful program without the help of Olympic Weightlifting coach Mark White. It is fantastic to have such a competent and professional person in our corner.




Friday 29/6/18

Partner Wod

MetCon: 18 min AMRAP

Work:Rest – 1 min On : 1 min Off

1st: KB Snatch 32/24kg

2nd: Double Unders

3rd: Rope Climbs



What would you like to know more about?

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We want to reach out to more of you guys for info around our blog posts. We have plenty of material but we would also like to offer perspectives on things you find interesting in health and fitness. If you want clarification on anything around your health and fitness journey or you just want to know our viewpoints on certain subjects we would like to know. Feel free to write to us about anything health and fitness related and we will cover it in our blog post. We will keep it anonymous if you like.




Thursday 28/6/18

Strength: Paused Front Squat

3 x 5 @ 65% (3 sec pause)

MetCon: 15 min AMRAP

7 Squat Snatch 60/40kg

14 Front Squats

21 Pull Ups