We have had a lot of interest in our next round of SPC Barbell Club so please get your name down now so you don’t miss out. It starts on the Tuesday 17/7. Here are a few testimonials from previous participants of our SPC Barbell Club
“I went into the barbell club sessions hoping to come away with some improvement in my technique and was not disappointed. Marks an excellent coach with a wealth of knowledge and good yarns. The lifts were broken down into manageable progressions and even a few of the trickier ones were achievable after a few laughs. I feel I really benefited from the small adjustments and cues, along with some extra accessory work we learnt about and I hope to put it to use in future training. I recommend getting amongst it if you get the chance”. Shez
“I found doing SPC Barbell Club a huge challenge, not physically but mentally. I’ve never done any olympic weightlifting before so having Mark guide us through the techniques of the snatch and clean and jerk over and over again at each class gave me so much more confidence under the bar. He watched us, told us where we needed to improve, and encouraged us but knew when not to push us further. The main thing I learnt was: Technique is key”. Karyn
“Barbell club was great for me as I was seriously losing confidence with my lifting and Mark was able to correct my technique so much so that I was happy with the 1RMs that I achieved. The way Mark breaks the lifts down and the tips of the trade make all the difference. The time everyone got from Mark was good because he was able to tell me what I needed to do to correct a lift. Also the practice of just lifting on Tuesday and Thursday night makes a difference because you wouldn’t normally get that consistent practice. The Competition at the end is a lot of fun too.
I would recommend the Barbell club to any one because its great having that confidence in a WOD”. Eldon
We have heaps of really positive testimonials from so many who have participated in our SPC Barbell Club and it is great to be able to offer such a fantastic program to all of our members and the rest of the community of Dunedin. We couldn’t run such a successful program without the help of Olympic Weightlifting coach Mark White. It is fantastic to have such a competent and professional person in our corner.
Friday 29/6/18
Partner Wod
MetCon: 18 min AMRAP
Work:Rest – 1 min On : 1 min Off
1st: KB Snatch 32/24kg
2nd: Double Unders
3rd: Rope Climbs