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Last week for Soheil

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Soheil has spent the last couple of months around Dunedin and he has been training hard at SPC for a lot of that time even joining in on our last round of SPC Barbell Cub where he got some great results and learnt heaps. He will be leaving SPC and Dunedin at the end of this week to pursue a new engineering job in Auckland. It has been awesome having you around the gym and we are all wishing you good luck with your new job up north. Remember, Dunedin is only a short flight away so feel free to come back and visit any time.




Tuesday 28/8/18

Gymnastics Conditioning:

12 min EMOM:

Odd: 20sec Max Pull Ups

Even: 30sec Max Box Jumps 24/20′

MetCon: 4 Rounds for Time

400m Run

10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (L) 22.5/15kg

10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (R)

Warm-up accountability

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Strength work is hard and in the cold it gets even harder. This means at some sessions you might need to spend a little more time warming up before you start the strength part of your session. This could be in the form of going for a light jog followed by some more dynamic stretches. It could also be following some simple guidelines set out by the coach in charge. We don’t want anyone to feel pressured to start lifting too early in the class. If you don’t feel ready tell the coach and they will help you warm up more before you address the barbell.

Do not feel like you are holding up the class, because you are not. We are here to help you with your strength and fitness which means staying injury free and having fun at every class. It is easy for us to give you some guidance for a longer warm up and checking someone else’s squat technique at the same time. It will be easier for the coach if you ask them to help you out because then we know who is doing what and we can manage our time accordingly. It is harder for us to help when people just try and do their own session. The coach is there for you, so use them.

This is especially important now that the strength sets are going up. It will take some time to get through and it will be hard so make sure you are ready to squat when you start your sets. Do not try to get ready for squats by just squatting more. Your knees and hips will hate you.




Monday 27/8/18

Strength: Back Squats

5 x 8 (Building in weight)

30-50 Double Unders after each set

MetCon: For Time

50 Burpees

50 Wall Balls



Get involved in our fundraising comp

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We have already had a few pairs sign up for our Fundraising Comp Saturday 8/9 it would be great to see some of our new members trying it out as well. There won’t be any high skill or heavy lifting involved it will be inclusive and heaps of fun. There will be 4 workouts all varying duration. If you are keen to sign up but don’t have a partner let us know and we can help you find someone. It will be a great day in the name of fitness.

We are organising a place to meet up in the evening to share a few drinks and some war stories as well. More info on that next week. Get signed up now




Friday 24/8/18

MetCon: 3 Rounds for Time

20 OHS 40/30kg

30 KB Swings 24/16kg

20 TTB


Core Finisher: 3 Rounds of

15 V-Ups

15 Arch Rocks

15 Banded Good Mornings

Would you like to sponsor our Masters Athletes?

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     Shez Mcleod

     Chris Ludlow

     Christian Pedersen


If you want to support the team as an individual or if you have a company who would be interested in sponsoring us contact Christian on 021 248 9222 or  [email protected]

It is a big undertaking to organize our athletes going to the Gold Coast to represent our country at the Masters League Finals and any help from you would be hugely appreciated. There will be training, advertisement and much more for people who help us out.

Fundraising Comp:

Make sure you find a partner this week and get signed up for our Masters League Fundraising Comp. All the wods will be doable for any fitness level. It will be great fun to see everyone throw down Saturday 8/9. Only $5/person. Come down and support our Masters Athletes and have a great Saturday at the same time.




Wednesday 22/8/18

MetCon: 20min EMOM

1st: 1-2 Rope Climbs

2nd: 16 KB Cleans (8 ea) 24/16kg

3rd: 16 KB Push Jerks (8 ea)

4th: 200m Run

Search past Blog Posts to further your knowledge

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If you are new to SPC and want to learn more about how we run things, you can search through our huge archive of blog posts by using the search bar at the top of our Blog Page. Just write what you want to know more about and all the blog posts with that topic will come up. You can learn about what CrossFit is, how often you should train, specific exercises, how much rest between strength sets, how to use breathing in a workout and much much more. If there is anything you can’t find feel free to ask any of our coaches, they will be more than happy to help you out.

Great to see so many new faces at the gym and we are looking forward to helping all of you out. If your 4 weeks are coming to an end you should have received an email with a membership offer. If you want to take advantage of this offer get back to us asap or if you haven’t received an email but would like to know more get hold of us now.




Tuesday 21/8/18

Strength: 12min EMOM

Odd: 3 Hang Power Cleans

Even 8-12 Burpees

Building in weight

MetCon: 3 x 4min AMRAP : 4min Rest

30 Walking Lunges

20 DB Snatches 22.5/15kg

5 Clean & Jerks 60/40kg

Record score for each AMRAP


In House Partner Comp Saturday 8/9

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We are having our next In-House Competition Saturday 8/9 9am.

This is a fundraising comp for our Masters League athletes going to the Gold Coast in September to compete.

This comp will be a guy/girl pairs comp. You get to find your own partner and sign up by letting one of the coaches know. It will be $5 per participant. You can bring in $5 cash to Christian before 8/9 or deposit it into our gym account. The whole competition will be at the gym.

Meet at 9am for a briefing on the events. Then warm up starts

We start the first heat of the first event at 10am.

This is a very inclusive competition. This means everyone are welcome to sign up. There will be no high level gymnastics or heavy weightlifting. This comp is for all levels. It is meant to be fun and competitive. The main goal is to get the competitive juices flowing in a super fun and supportive environment. The more members we can get involved the more fun it will be. It would be especially cool to get a bunch of our new members involved so you can all see what an SPC Saturday Comp is all about.

If you want to compete but haven’t got a partner yet let us know and we will help you out.

If you want more info on the competition feel free to get hold of us.

We are super excited about this comp.




Monday 20/8/18

Strength: Back Squat

4 x 10 building in weight

Perform 10-20 Push ups between each set

MetCon: For Time

45 Thrusters 42.5/30kg

45 Pull Ups



Beast Mode Athletica pop-up Shop today

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Beast Mode Athletica are setting up shop at the gym today 4pm so come down and get a good deal on training clothes. Classes will run as normal so just get signed up early and come down and have a good time just before the weekend hits. It will be a busy time at the gym. Even if you are not signed up for class you should still come down and have a look as this top quality training and casual clothes.

We are not only about training hard. Sometimes just come down and hang out at the gym is a great break from the daily work routine and even better when you can come away will some cool gears as well.




Friday 17/8/18

MetCon 1: 7 min AMRAP

100 Double Unders

30 Sit Ups

-2 min Rest-

MetCon 2: 7 min AMRAP

10 KB Snatch (5 each arm) 24/16kg

20 Lunge Jumps

-2 min Rest-

MetCon 3: 7 min AMRAP

20 SDHP 24/16kg

200m Run

Which Specialty Program would you like to see next?

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We have had some enquires about another round of SPC Barbell Club. There will be another round before winter is over but there will be a short break after this current round before we start another. Keep up to date on our website for more info on when we start again.

Also we are looking to start more Specialty Programs. We have set them up but would like some input from you guys about what you would like to see next. Let us know what specialty program you would prefer to see starting up first.

  1. Kettlebell
  2. Aerobic Capacity
  3. Strength
  4. Gymnastics




Wednesday 15/8/18

MetCon: 12 min EMOM

1st: 5 TTB & 10 Goblet Lunges 24/16kg

2nd: 5 TTB & 10 Goblet Squats

3rd: 15 KB Swings

4th: 7 KB Push Press (each arm)

Straight Into 3 Rounds for Time


10 Goblet Lunges


10 Goblet Squats

15 KB Swings

7 KB Push Press (right arm)

7 KB Push Press (left arm)

Mark and Jack at the clang n bang

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I was gutted to not have been there to watch Jack and Mark smashing it at the CrossFit Uncut comp but we had Amanda, Jane and Marcus sending me photos and videos and telling me how things were going. Amazing effort from a very challenging competition. Marcus and Amanda did a great job coaching and supporting the boys through the comp. From the whole SPC community we hope that the young man who got hurt is doing well after his accident in the final event. Its always scary when things like that happen and we hope the organizers support him and learn from it.




Monday 13/8/18

Strength: 12 min EMOM

Odd: 3 Hang Power Snatches

Even: 8-12 Burpees

Building in weight

MetCon: 5 Rounds for Time

5 Deadlift 110/75kg

30 Air Squats

Good Luck to Mark and Jack Bredenbeck

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This strong father and son duo is competing at the clang & bang in Dunedin this weekend. We will be following you over the weekend and I am sure you will have some awesome supporters. Hopefully we can follow all the action online. We will try to keep everyone up to date the best we can. They have both been working extremely hard over a long period of time to prepare for this competition. Mark has been coming to as many classes as possible, almost every day and Jack has been doing classes plus been working hard under the watchful eye of coach Marcus at least twice per week.

We are excited to see you two represent yourselves and the gym at this comp which will also be Jacks first comp outside of the in-house comps. Looking forward to seeing you both smash it.




Friday 10/8/18

MetCon: For Time

800m Run

10 KB Cleans (RA) 24/16kg

10 KB Cleans (LA)

40 KB Goblet Lunges

400m Run

10 KB Cleans (RA)

10 KB Cleans (LA)

40 Goblet Lunges

800m Run