We got some Dumbbells, Benches and AB mats yesterday. Just in time for bench press in our next strength cycle. The dumbbells look ridiculous but should be a good addition for our stronger members:) I know a few of you have been asking about AB mats as well so will be good to get that variation in for a variety of Sit ups. Please Do Not use them for Handstand push ups, we have the gymnastic mats for that. The cover will get cracks and split open, I’ve seen it happen many times before.
All pairs have been sorted for tomorrow, but if you are still unsure, still turn up and we will help you find a partner. We will run everything in 2-3 heats depending on the workout. It will be a great way of meeting a lot of members from the other classes and see how much you have improved your fitness over the time you have been with us. I am super excited about it.
Also looking forward to see a lot of new people down at the gym. Hope they will enjoy being spectators and see what we get up to and how much fun we have on a daily basis. It will also show them that it doesn’t matter what level you are at, we make room for everyone. A fact that is sometimes lost with the focus on the high skill, high strength aspect of competing in CrossFit.
Friday 9/6/17
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time:
150m Run
50m Walking Lunges
12 SDHP 50/35kg
12 Front Squats
12 Burpee over Bar